Page 23 - Test
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3.0 THE STRATEGIC PLAN (CONTINUED) Table 3: Value Factors for Emphasis
1. Quality/Validity/Accuracy/Fairness/ Relevance
Every product and service provided exceeds customer requirements as well as attain education best practices. We provide valid, accurate, error-free and relevant products and services.
2. Customer-Centric
Maintaining stakeholder focus in everything we do. Satisfaction of customers, as well as anticipating their needs.
3. Innovative
Forward thinking, going where others have never been before. Incremental innovation - improvements on what we are currently doing; radical innovation - introduction of new products and services.
4. Security
Products, services and systems are robust. Measures taken to prevent penetration and unauthorised access.
5. Reliable Platforms/Technology
Platforms that are compatible, scalable, functional and highly available. 99.9% availability of systems.
6. Visionary Policy Leadership/Influence
Leaders of education reform regionally, provide policy advice and guidance in the education sector - teaching, learning and assessment.