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3.0 THE STRATEGIC PLAN (CONTINUED) Table 7: Stakeholders Perspective
SO1: Enhance Brand Awareness
Allows for increase in visibility and global recognition of CXC’s products and corporate image through increased and targeted public relations and marketing, and establishment of CXC® as a thought leader - influencing the regional educational agenda.
Owner: Pro-Registrar/Deputy CEO
SO2: Improve Stakeholder Satisfaction
Facilitates consistent, timely communication with stakeholders through adherence to service level agreements and policies and procedures; creates positive relationships with stakeholders using a people-centred approach; and leverages technology to incorporate effective digital communication tools to create additional avenues for interaction with key stakeholders. Owner: Pro-Registrar/Deputy CEO
SO3: Improve Customer Satisfaction
Facilitates the consistent understanding and anticipation of customers’ needs and meet or exceed their expectations, and adherence to the CXC® Customer Service Charter, increased level of communication with customers, developing products and services that respond to customers’ needs. Owner: Pro-Registrar/Deputy CEO
1. Enhanced reputation.
2. Increased brand awareness and
brand equity.
3. Enhanced value and competitive-
ness of our products and services.
Stakeholder satisfaction has increased.
Customer satisfaction has increased.
1. Recognition Index
• Improved engagement
• Improved perception and
public image
• Increased affinity to the
2. Brand Reputation Index
• Enhanced reputation
• Increased partnerships
• Increased proctoring centres
1. Stakeholder Satisfaction Index
Measures satisfaction of internal & external stakeholders with specific focus on:
• accessible and timely information
• timely and effective communications
• transparency and fairness of the Council in the conduct of its activities
• leadership of the organisation
• use of stakeholders’ feedback to inform
decision making
• ease of use of interfaces/portals and
integration of CRM system with other
• Reduction in complaints and queries.
2. External Stakeholder Index
Measures external stakeholders’ satisfaction with specific focus on increasing:
• engagement
• satisfaction ratings
• the involvement of regional tertiary
institutions in the work of the Council • the number of stakeholders promoting CXC® as a recognised brand affiliation.
3. Internal Stakeholder Index
Measures internal stakeholders’ satisfaction with specific focus on:
(i) increasing staff engagement
(ii) reducing attrition
(iii) improving job satisfaction
1. Customer Value Index
• Increased customer satisfaction/ service rating (service value)
• Increased customer base
• Net Promoter Score
• Enhanced reputation (Link to Brand
2. Customer Perception/Relations Index
• Timely and effective communication • Customers are well informed
• Greater knowledge and awareness
of products and services • Reduction in complaints • Reduction in queries
Reposition CXC® as Regional Enterprise Lead Educational Transformation Service Charter Optimisation