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3.7 Monitoring and Evaluation
As a requirement to the effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) process, the CPSM Unit, cognisant of the complex interactions among divisions in which the CXC® operate, has devised a simple yet effective and efficient three step monitoring and evaluation process supported by an efficient monitoring tool. The process in general includes:
1. identification of strategic objective owners (primary/secondary), project leads and supporting roles;
2. scanning and tracking by corporate, division, department and unit level with respect to all strategic
objectives, projects/initiatives timelines and KPIs and
3. analysis of all activity linked to strategic objectives and project outcomes using a time-driven activity-
based cost management approach.
More directly, the outcome of the M&E process will enable greater oversight of all activities through proactively using the monitoring tool to identify possible projected outcomes to projects which are linked to strategic objectives by either using the KPIs and or the projected budgetary implications based on current activity. Although projects and KPIs may be reported on a monthly and quarterly basis to the executive team, the CPSM Unit is positioned to provide reports along with recommendations based on the information in Table 13, while allowing other employees access to the monitoring tool (Quick Score) with an aim of closely tracking and scanning their respective objectives, projects and KPIs.
In keeping with good governance and reporting practices as depicted in Figure 8, in addition to internal reporting and reviews, CXC® will report on the execution of the strategic plan and its overall performance at the April and October Administative and Finance Committee (AFC) meetings and to Council at its December meeting. The overall strategy will be reviewed annually to ensure strategic focus and alignemnt are maintained.