Page 66 - 2020 CXC Annual Report
P. 66
World Class Exams – Syllabus Development
BACKGROUND Content Management
As a regional examining body, CXC® has made significant As part of the content management inventory, the various
contributions to education in the Caribbean, not only through reports on the number of general and specific resources are
the provision of world-class certification, but also in the generated and presented below.
harmonisation of secondary education and in the capacity
building of teachers. CXC® having recognised that the old Table 1: Number of Resources by Category on the CXC®
chalk and talk methods were no longer applicable in the Learning Hub
twenty-first century classroom developed an e-strategy for Categories CAPE® CSEC® CVQ* CCSLC® CPEA™ TOTAL
governance approval. The e-strategy was approved by
SUBSEC, at the October 2015 meeting to provide a framework 62 45 1 1 5 114
for the development and extension of the services, products
and approaches already in existence. A key component Resources 31 27 0 0 3 61
of the e-strategy was the development of a Learning Portal
(‘the CXC® Learning Hub’). In December 2015, a proposal for Resources 102 64 0 4 4 174
the development of the CXC® Learning Hub was approved
by Council. The CXC® Learning Hub is a web-based facility Toolkits 65 105 14 8 4 196
designed to provide our stakeholders with a single access Study Guide
point to resources that will support teaching, learning and Samples 21 22 0 0 0 43
assessment. The Council launched the Beta version of the
Past Papers 2 1 0 0 1 4
CXC® Learning Hub in September 2018.
Exemplars 3 3 0 0 0 6
REPORT Subject 59 35 0 0 0 94
The reported activities for 2020 are organised in five broad
categories: Practice 67 31 0 4 4 106
1. Content Management
2. Content Creation TOTALS 412 333 15 17 21 798
3. User Growth
4. User Support
5. User Engagement