Page 228 - CAPE Financial Services Syllabus Macmillan_Neat
P. 228

                                                     CAPE 02169032/MS SPEC 2016
                                                     CAPE 02269032/MS SPEC 2016

                          FINANCIAL SERVICES STUDIES
                           UNITS 1 AND 2 - PAPER 032

                                        MARK SCHEME

Question 1.


(a) List the objectives of the study: one general and three specific

     Objectives must be clear and concise   possible  relationship     between
     Specific objectives should state

     General objectives:  Clear and concise                     2 marks
                          Partially clear                       1 mark

     Specific objectives are operational, clear, stating possible

     relationship between variables and related to the general objective:

                          1 mark each:                                 3 marks

                                                                    [5 marks]

(b)  Write a statement of the problem in no more than ten lines. This would
     provide the rationale for the study.

     Clear, concise and gives proper rationale for the study    3 marks
     Partially clear, and concise justification for the study   2 marks
     Poor statement of problem, weak and unclear                1 mark

(c) The title for the study clearly stated                      2 marks
               Title unclear/inadequate                         1 mark

(d) (i) Reasons why a literature review is important.
                (ii) Steps for conducting a literature review.

     (i) Reasons why a literature review is important.

              i) to survey the field to get a clear understanding of what has
                    been done before and what is the contemporary state of
                    knowledge in the area of interest;

              ii) standing on the shoulders of the other researchers;

             iii) clarifying own ideas and understanding by exploring what
                       others have done before;

              iv) to be pointed in the direction where own research may be
                      most fruitful, interesting, meaningful.

              Clear and complete justification                   2 marks each
              Limited justification                             1 mark each

                                                                    [6 marks]
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