Page 7 - The Jack O Lantern Scare
P. 7
The Jack-o-Lantern Scare
I had a hearty hot slice before Tanty warned me
that I should be getting home.
“Come go home now before rain start come and
dark meet yuh,” Tanty said to me. “Yuh mother
should done wuk just now”.
“OK, Tanty,” I replied.
She wrapped up a package with more pudding
for me to take home. I hurried home before it
started to get dark, the Jack-o-lantern still
plaguing my thoughts.
On my way home, I realised that the weather
started to change. It was then I remembered what
Grandma had said about getting home before the
rain started. I got home but Mom wasn’t there as
yet so I went to do my homework.
The radio announcer interrupted the music
playing, “We interrupt regular programming to
bring you an update on weather conditions for
the night.
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