Page 9 - Confidently Chubby
P. 9

Confidently Chubby

         COVID-19  over  the  summer  break.  Sue  Lee

         reluctantly walked to class wishing and praying the

         day would pass as fast as lightning.

         “Chubs!  Looks  like  you  gained  an  additional  fifty

         pounds!” Tim exclaimed.

         Tim was a boy with dwarf features.

         “Your  mother  couldn’t  buy  you  a  new  uniform,

         Chubs!” shouted big mouth Daisy from across the


         Daisy  was  always  loud;  you  would  often  hear  her

         before  you  could  see  her.  As  the  entire  class

         bellowed with laugher, Sue Lee wished the ground

         could have opened up and taken her in.

         “Why do they dedicate so much time to make me
         feel  miserable?”  Sue  Lee  mumbled  under  her

         breath. It’s not my fault I’m this fat. I hardly ever eat

         anything;  sometimes  I  don’t  even  look  at  food

         because I’m scared I’ll get fat by just looking at it,”

         Sue Lee thought to herself.

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