Page 7 - Maintex Catalog
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Chemical Laboratory
Unique in the industry, we have operated our own manufacturing facility and state-of-the-art chemical laboratory since we
 rst opened our doors in 1960. Throughout that time we have developed and re ned over 300 proprietary formulas. Our products are all custom-designed for quality, performance,
and full compliance with the most stringent environmental and workplace safety regulations.
Our high quality, proprietary chemical formulas differentiate our unique products and make Maintex a leader in manufacturing environmentally safe cleaning chemicals.
■ A rigorous quality control process ensures that our products meet the highest standards for performance and reliability
■ Our expert laboratory chemists develop EPA Safer Choice and Green Seal certi ed products
■ Our regulatory team ensures compliance with constantly changing federal and state requirements
■ As cleaning methods modernize, evolve, and improve, Maintex conducts continual testing and analysis to make our existing products even better
■ Our scientists craft new and innovative cleaning solutions to serve the changing needs of our customers
Technical Expertise • Innovative Products • Advanced Manufacturing • Competitive Pricing
Look for useful tips scattered throughout the catalog, as well as call-outs for complementary and related products. Also included are case study recaps that examine how Maintex worked to solve some of our customers’ most complex needs. These recaps are just the beginning of the story, view the full case studies at
■ A chain of  tness clubs wanted to page ■ demonstrate its commitment to 14 maintaining a clean and sanitary facility
■ A luxury resort was losing time and page ■ money because carpet cleaning in guest 16
rooms took too long
■ An upscale housing community needed page
help eliminating odors in pet areas 18 ■
A Hollywood studio with a focus on page environmental impact wanted to reduce 79 paper in the wastestream
A Building Service Contractor looking to page cut costs and eliminate waste worked 94 with Maintex to evaluate their existing
liner program
A restaurant chain’s drive through lanes page were accumulating unsightly oil and 166 grease stains
■ A long-term care facility was struggling page to store and track the usage of cleaning 20 chemicals
■ A major retailer was looking for a new page product to satisfy customer demand 28
■ A large cruise ship wanted to make sure page room amenities were always available, 58 without sacri cing quality
■ A school district needed help keeping page students healthy and reducing 200 absenteeism
■ A large grocery chain wanted to eliminate page costly slip-and-fall accidents in areas of 235 the store where moisture was present

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