Page 16 - Maintex 2018 1st Quarter Newsletter
P. 16
First Quarter Birthdays
Hector Magana.....................4 Susana Montoya................22 Melissa Williams................24 Jesus Navarrete.................25 Andres Morales..................27 Jose Salazar....................... 28 Pedro Gomez-Perez .......... 31 Jose Alfaro ........................... 31
Rosa Vazquez.........................1 Pedro Lupercio.....................4 Tony Rodriguez.....................9 Steve Castellon ...................9 Adrian Lopez.......................10 Victor Alvarez...................... 14 Valentin Martinez .............. 14 Danny Piñeda...................... 15 Presidents Day ............ 19 Jesus Ordaz ........................ 21 Leticia Ortiz..........................24 Fransisco Sotelo .............. 28
Jose Guerrero....................... 7 Asuncion Macias.................9 Hector Haro......................... 13 Linda Silverman................. 15 Jose Morales....................... 16 Steve Castellon ................. 18 Rita Atunez.......................... 20 Ali Abyane.............................23 Danny Justin .......................23 Johanna Rosas ..................23 Jesse Gonzalez................. 30 Juan Ruano ......................... 31
Everyone you interact with at Maintex is YOUR CUSTOMER.
Good communica on and service shouldn’t be reserved just for external customers.
Trea ng each other with the same considera on and care is essen al TO CREATING A GREAT PLACE TO WORK!
We are all each other’s customer!
Monthly luncheons to be announced at the begining of each month