Page 11 - Maintex Enquirer
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Cooking with Jeff
Jeff Wolff
Employee Spotlight Danielle Jones
Danielle joined Maintex in April 2016 with over 15 years in accoun ng posi ons ranging from Accoun ng Clerk to Full Charge Bookkeeper. Among her many responsibili es at Maintex, she focuses primarily on accounts payable, back-up billing and processing all of the company’s vendor invoices.
Danielle is a dedicated single Mom of
two beau ful daughters - Savannah
(21) and Sierah (15) -and is thrilled to announce that she is about to become a grandmother in April! She is a self- declared homebody who loves nothing more than staying at home and relaxing with family. That family, by the way, includes Danielle’s beloved iguana, Godzilla, that travels everywhere on her shoulder, including the beach, where he’s known to take a dip or two in the ocean.
Before Maintex, Danielle took a year o  from accoun ng to do something of service to others. Compelled by seeing her dad struggle with some health challenges, she spent a year at the Tom Bradley Terminal at LAX, helping disabled travelers navigate their journeys – a job that meant a lot to her and ended only when her shi s took her away from her girls too much.
Fortunately for us, Danielle has returned to accoun ng. If you haven’t met her, stop in and introduce yourself. Congratula ons, Danielle, on the impending addi on to your family!

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