Page 165 - Udaan 2019-2021 Final
P. 165


                                                                 --AKSHITA SINGH, VIII/IX

             Indian      mythology          is   one    of   the    oldest      mythologies          in   the

             world.       It   is   rich    in   culture       and     traditions        and      teaches

             important         lessons.      Some       of   us   still   question       the   existence

             of  these  stories  and  their  characters.  On  researching  about

             the    same,      I   came      across       a   few    questions         which      concern

             Indian mythology as well as The Brahmins of the Vedic Age.

             1.   Ramayana           and     Mahabharata              are    two     of   the    greatest

             epics  of  India  and  these  stories  are  separated  by  eons  of

             time.     Some        characters          are    common          in   them-       Hanuman,

             Parashuram              and       Vishnu's         Garuda.           How        did      these

             characters  live  in  both  the  epics?  Coming  to  the  ‘Science  vs

             Mythology’  issue  now.  All  these  characters  have  one  thing

             in common, which is they can travel at the speed of thought

             which has been written in the epics like 'mann ki gati'.

             According           to    Albert       Einstein's        Theory        of    Relativity,        if
             anything        travels       faster      than     light,    then     it   observes        time

             passing         slower       than      its   static      counterparts.           Does       that

             mean       that     the    writers       who      wrote       these      epics      and     had

             mentioned these characters,  knew about this theory before

             Einstein had propounded it?
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