Page 201 - Udaan 2019-2021 Final
P. 201


                                                 Rajdeep Das,  IX/X
         Think of Cambodia and Angkor               Wat is the firs t thing that comes to our            mind.

           And why not? It’s the worl d’s lar            est Hindu temple complex; thousands of

                touri sts fro m all over      the world flock her         to see this ar     hitectur    l
          masterp iece. My experi ence in Cambodia, however,  start ed with something

                                                    much scari er!

          We visited Cambodia in the Puja Vacations last year.  After                      spending a few
            days in Phnom Penh, the capital, we dro ve to Siem Reap. On the way, we

           stopped at a town called Skuon, 75 kilometr                  s nort h of Phnom Penh. I was
           wonderi ng why we had stopped at a dusty town in the middle of nowher

           when my mother          said, “Do you know why we stopped her                   ? Ther    ’s a big

            mark et her       which sells fri ed spiders  – the Skuon Spider Mark et.” I was
         wonderi ng whether         she was joking when I saw the shops on the str                     et side.

         Nothing could pr        par     me for   what I saw ther        . Imagine a r      gular   bazaar     in
         Kolkata selling fru its and vegetables. Then r                place the fruits and vegetables

          with fri ed spiders . That’s pr        cisely what we saw ther            . Piles of giant, hairy ,

          juicy, fri ed tar    ntulas dri pping with soya sauce, garn ished with chillies and
          lemongr      ss! And it didn’t stop at spiders . Ther             wer     mounds of scorp ions,

         cockro aches, gr        sshoppers , cri ckets, dr        gonflies and every  other         insect you

                  can name. And the occasional ro ast duck in between them all.
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