Page 242 - Udaan 2019-2021...
P. 242
Mala's father had a night shift so there
The journey seemed to be a long and
was no one at her home who would drop
never ending one and there was no one
me to my house. I assured Mala’s mother
on the street. I wasn’t feeling well. I
that I could manage alone and I started
was frightened too. I began running to
walking back home. All along the way I
end this awful journey. I took quick
was thinking about the gift I had received.
steps and my ears went numb with the
I was thrilled. I liked walking alone as I
noise of my anklets.
rarely got the opportunity to walk during a
winter evening . There was hardly any one
Finally I reached home. Being very
on the street but there were trucks and
exhausted, I quickly slept . I could
jeeps plying on the road once in every 3-4
hear a woman’s voice asking me to get
minutes. There wasn’t much light on the
up and eat dinner but I was too frail to
street either. I was murmuring a hindi
do so. The next morning I got up 9 am.
song and my anklet was complimenting its
I was still tired. Suddenly someone
tune. The roadside shops were closed and
rang the doorbell and I went to
there wasn’t anyone walking on the street.
answer. I was taken by surprise to see
I glanced at my watch it was 15 minutes
Mala there with a small box in her
past 8 O clock. I was scared that If my
hand. I called her inside and offered
parents come to know about my idea of
her tea. She replied “No, I was going
walking at this hour then probably this
this way. So I thought I should hand
would be my last visit to Mala's house. I
over this box to you”. I took the box
was accompanied by the sounds of
from her hand and asked “what is it?”.
beetles and other insects in an otherwise
She replied, “You forgot to take it
silent night. Not to forget my anklets,
yesterday from my house”. I came
which were breaking the silence of the
inside and opened the box, it was the
cold night. The faster I walked the louder
same anklet that she had gifted me
the sound was. I wanted to take off my
last night.
anklet but I didn’t find it wise to stop in the
middle of the lane at this hour.
Background Art by
Trina Bhaumik, VIII / IX