Page 261 - Udaan 2019-2021...
P. 261
The first struggles of staying indoors, online connectivity
and creating answer sheets into pdf files for teachers,
never knowing what tomorrow might bring. It is
fundamental to human nature to focus on and amplify
one’s own misfortunes first and for most of us school-
going children, this year has entailed an aching loss of
precious moments. For each and every one of us, across
the spectrum of age and experience, these are months
of our life slipping away that will never return, for life
isn’t known to be repetitive. There is a general yearn for
the routine, the normalcy of the old, with no inkling of
when it will finally arrive. It has irked me, and still does,
that under different circumstances, life right now would
have been something else.
There are nights I go to sleep, wondering if waking up is
worth it in this bleak monotony.
I must say, I have spent the better part of my life in DPS
Newtown and if there’s any sophistication that these
known walls and open, green spaces have furnished me
with, it is the teaching that times change, that life is a
wave of motion, that in such trying times, all one can do
is to hold on tight and wait for all the joy and satisfaction
to finally arrive.