Page 3 - Betway Tanzania CSR and View Center Activation Final Report
P. 3


         Dear Calvin,

         On behalf of Finest Image Company Limited, we are pleased for the opportunity you gave us
         to work with your esteemed organization Media Bay Tanzania Limited under its Brand Betway
         for Corporate Social Responsibilities(CSR) and View Centre Activation.

         It give us immense pleasure to let you know that the CSR and activation went successful in
         both days across Kinondoni Districts all regions with a great achievement

         During the entire activation we were abled to meet over 5,000 audiences during the
         activation helped awareness growth of Betway Brand in the regions.

         We would like to thank you and your entire team for the unwavering support and guidance.
         We look forward to organizing more partnerships in your future activations

         Yours sincerely,

         Yahya Omari
         Managing Director
         Finest Image Company Limited
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