Page 11 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 11

R B V I g W,

                  In spite of the troubles® raging throuj^hout the world tht

          Paroian Oulf enjoyed alnoat perfect peace throughout 1941 and
          indood very few lnoldenta of any kind ooourred to whloh it is
          noccoBary to oall attention* Trade was restricted through lack
          of chipping hut the Arab State a continued to receive an adequate

          supply of food-atuffa, though pricea rose considerably. There
          was famine and deotitution on the Persian Coast towards the end
          of the year but the Arab State a aa a whole enjoyed peace and
          prosperity throughout and Kuwait in particular experienced a

          boor® owing to the increased freights earned by her ocean-going
                 There was also internal peace and no inter-tribal fight­
          ing of any inportance took place. At sea the breakdown of the

          administration in Persia caused a revival of the arms traffic
          on a very Ecall scale and a few rifle□ of anoient date were
          exported from the Arab to the Persian Coast* Towards tho end
          of the year one or two acts of piraoy wore attributed to Hlrza

          ibn Barkat of Jaok and Fujairah and the same poroon is also
         believed to have carried off some Baluchi children fron the
         Persian ooaat for sale as slaves in the interior of Arabia,

                 In Beoember a moating took place at Raudhat al Quauma, a
         shooting camp in Saudi Arabian territory not for from the Kuwait
         border,between His Hajesty King Abdul Aziz and the Shaikhs of
         Bahrain and Kuwait* This meeting is not believed to have had

         any particular political elgnifloanoe•
                 In Kuwait political calm has reigned and the Shaikh oo-
         operated to hi a utmost In the war effort*     In Kay the Iraqi Post
         Offloe was olocod and the postal business taken ovor by Kooers*

         Cable and Wireless Limited on bohalf of the Indian Posts and
         Telegraphs Department* In Dooember the Shaikh conoluded aa

         agreement with the Imperial Bank of Iran for tht opening of a
         brimoh of that Bank In Kuwait*
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