Page 155 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 155

                         ADMINI STRATI ON REPORT OB THE KUWAIT
                         POLITICAL AGENCY EOR THE YEAR 1942.
           I_.__THE POLITICAL AGENCY, "
           (a)    Major T. Kickinbotham, O.B.E   • i  of the Indian Political
           Service held charge throughout the year.

           (b)    Major A.L. Greenway, M.B.E  •»  performed the duties of
           Quarantine Medical Officer and held charge of the Government
           Dispensary throughout the year.

           (a)    His Highness Shaikh Sir Ahmad al Jabir As Subah, K.C.I.E.,
           C.S.I • >  the Ruler, or Arair, of Kuwait had a very serious heart
           attack at the beginning of April and for some weeks his condition
           was critical.   He was ably attended by Doctor L.C. Scudder of

           the Arabian Mission who was assisted from time to time by Doctors
           Maclean and Marsh from the Anglo-lranian Oil Company at Abadan.
           His Highness' health had much improved by the end of the year and
           he had resumed, in a mild way, his hawking expeditions, but there

           is still cause for anxiety as another and possibly fatal attack
           may occur at any time.
                  At one time it was thought advisable for him to spend the
           hottest months of the year in a milder climate than that of Kuwait

           but the difficulties of travel in war time forced his medical
           advisers to abandon the scheme and the Shaikh remained in Kuwait
           territory throughout the year.
           lb)    There have been few changes in the Government appointments

           held by members of the family.    Shaikh Abdulla as Salim As Subah,
           C.I.E •»  has remained President of the Advisory Council but had
           paid little attention to affairs of State and has spent two thirds
           of the year living in Eailacha Island,     During the Ruler's illness

           he was the reverse of useful, paying little heed to the medical
           officers' advice and generally behaving in a foolish manner.
          Kuwait does not lose by his frequent expeditions to his island

          home and would express no regrets if he were to abide there
          permanently. He has considerable influence in politios but his
          power hai declined somewhat and his general health leaves much

           to be desired. He visited Baghdad during November for medical
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