Page 23 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 23

          normol course, Rumours of British warships approaching Buehire
          oquood the garrison again to take up defensive positions along

           the coast but they withdrew the following day*
                  The news of the death of Admiral Ghulam All Beyandor,

          during the oocupation of Khorramshahr by Britieh foroea, was
          received with regret in Buahire, for he was oonaidered to be
          one of the beat officera in the service of the 3hoh«
                  The BUBhire Naval Bureau waa cloeed down in December
          and the management of the port handed over to the Custome Depart­

                  Shipa of the Iranian Navy visiting Buahire during the
          year included the Sloop «Babr* and the gunboat a *Palang* and

                                       SECTION 5*
                  Eleven visit8 to Buehire were made by aircraft of the

          Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, No other aircraft, British or
          Foreign, landed at Bushire during 1941*
                                       SECTION 6.

                                   POLITICAL SITUATION*
                  Throughout the year no Berioua effort waa made to re­
          establish the authority of government in Daehti and Tangistan
          and aecurlty in these area* deteriorated to euoh an extent that

          the military authorities deemed it advisable in November to with­
          draw their small garrisons at NhormuJ and Kaki, This withdrawal

          waa affected without incident due to the efforts of the Tonglstan
          ohiof, Hals All of Chaplr, who, with Rais Ohulam Razoi, also a
          Tanglstonl, gave considerable assistance to the Iranian authority
          lea* After the removal of the garrison, Khormuj was often raided

          and no one oould leave the town unescorted* The Postmaotor at
          Ahram, whose mails were frequently interfered with finally
          reooraended that his post off lee should be oloaed down until ordez'
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