Page 275 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 275

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                              193 9(pre-war)        19 4 3
         jaik                  0-3-0 per bottle.    0-10-0 per bottle.
         Firewood(palro-wood)   6-0-0 per Ruf a    36 - 0-0 per Ruf a
                                        - 660 lbs.           “ 660 lbs*
         Inflation spread fairly evenly through Kuwait and the

         main sufferers were those on fixed salaries.

                        X. YfAR Y/ORK
         The barge re-assembly scheme was abandoned in Way by
         the Persian Gulf Service Command after completing 85

         barges.  Production was then held up due to lack of
         launching space,   The project was reopened in December
         by the Inland Water Transport. The barges are shipped

         from America in pieces. On the 24th December a consign­
        ment of 1219 packages (containing K.D.Barges) was
            A sum of Rs. 95,016-5-6 was subscribed to the Persian
         Gulf Fighter Fund.

                        XI. ROYAL NAVY
        No ships of the Royal Navy visited Kuwait.

                        XII. ROYAL AIR FORCE
        Numerous visits were paid to Kuwait territory by planes
        of the R.A.F. and hundreds flew over head on their law­
        ful occasions. There were also a number of cases of
        forced landings by R.A.F.planes.

                       XI11.KUWAIT OIL COMPANY
        The company operated on a "closed down" basis during
        the year retaining in Kuwait a European staff of only

        two. Nevertheless as the main source of availability
        of meohanioal equipment (from stoves and ioe-machines
        to lathes) and of efficient engineering staff9 it has

        rendered valuable assistance to Kuwait in supplying
        to the limit of its oapaoity, these scaroe commodities.
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