Page 303 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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son, Hilal bin All, who however rofused tho offer and went
instead to see his uncle, the Imam.
Tho Wali of Birka. The Wali of Birka, Saiyid Mahmud
bin Muhammad bin Turki, uncle of tho Sultan, was dismissed
from his post in May 1943. The complaints against him were
mainly of peculation and a committee was appointed to look
into them. By tho end of the year, no decision had boon
reached and it seemed fairly obvious to tho ordinary
observer that Saiyid Mahmud v/as under no apprehension that
he would ever be required to refund his ill-gotten spoils.
Death of the Chief Qadhi of Muscat. Shaikh Isa bin
Saleh, the Chief Qadhi of Muscat died on tho 19th May from
cerebral malaria. Ho was succocdod by Shaikh Saif bin Hamad
(i) The following table gives the comparative values of
imports and exports during the last three years
Year. Imports. Exports.
1940- 41 ft. 46,28,977 Rs. 30,22,170
1941- 42 Es.53,12,403 Rs. 38,68,298
1942- 43 Rs.63,40,792 Rs.81,08,976
The increase in the import figures 5.s due to increased
prices and not quantities and the following table shows the
average price per package
Year. Imports.
1940- 41 Rs. 8/8/-
1941- 42 fc.14/4/-
1942- 43 8s. 34/3/-
The increase in tho value of exports was due to the
enhanced demand for and export price of dates.
This is the first time in the history of Muscat that
exports have exceeded imports.
The following table shows the percentage of imports
and exports from and to other countries i-
Country. Imports. Exports.
1941-42 1942-43 1941-42 1942-43
Aden & Aden Protector
ate. 0.10% 4.00% 1.20% 1.30%
Africa 5.00% 0.80% 2.00% 1.20%
Ceylon 2.30% 2.00%
India 79.00% 89.00% 80.40% 56.70%
Iraq 0.40% 3.40% 6.20%
Java 0.90%
Japan 0.40%
Palestine 0.70%
Persia 2.20% 1.60% 0.60% 2.00%
Persian Gulf 3.80% 2.40% 7.60% 29.20%
Singapore 6.80%
United Kingdom 1.40% 1.80%
Yemen 0.40% 1.80% 1.40%
100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
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