Page 309 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 309

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                               GVf HOUR
          I. BRITISH AGENT.
                      Mr. H.M. Ismail hold the post of the British Agent,
               Gwadur up to the 22nd December, when he proceeded on leave
               to India and was rclioved by Khan Sahib Ismail Barduli.
          II. THE WALI.

                      Hamid bin Hilal was the Sultan1s representative
               throughout the year. He is elderly and a good type. He has
               30 Arab policemen for maintaining order.
          III. TRADE.
                      Gwadur obtains its main Imports from Karachi and these
               are augmented to a certain extent by supplies from Mekran.
               The chief export is dried fish to Ceylon.
                      Figures of Imports and Exports are included in those
               for Muscat.
          IV. V/AR WATCHING.

                      A Coast-Watching patrol of one Jemadar and 8 men was
               introduced in May. They cover from Sur to Pishkan.
                       Headquarters, Sind District, established a wireless
               party at Gwadur on the 3rd August primarily for sending
               coast watching reports. This station works with Karachi only.

                       There is a Post and Telegraph Office at Gwadur under
               the Director, Posts and Telegraphs, Sind and Baluchistan Circle.
                       Owing to lack of sea communications r.o post was
               delivered in Gwadur for the first few months of the year.
               In June however it was arranged that nails should come by
               lorry from Quetta to Pasni and thence by camel to Gwadur.
                      The telegraph line to Gwadur has also been continually
               interrupted and up to April all telegrams from Gwadur had to
               be sent to Pasni by camel for onward transmission by wireless.
               This station also broke down in April and telegrams Y/ere then
               despatched through the British Overseas Airways Corporation^
               station at Jiwani.
                       Since Headquarters, Sind District established their
               wireless station, it has been possible to telegraph Gwadur
               via Karachi.

                       The Baluchistan Locust Department have a Locust
               Assistant stationed at Gwadur and the British Agent acts as
               Tahsil Locust Officer.
                       There was a thin swarm of dark-pink locusts in the
               third week of January, which came from the North and settled
               at Ganz and Pishkan.

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