Page 31 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 31
Appendix !•
Notes on the working of the Residency Dispensary Dushire,
for the year 1941#
1. Lt:Col;J.J.Rooney,H.C.I.K.S.died on the fths April 1941,
and -Major ?..Holmes,M.3.K. I.M.D. took over charge on the 8th
September 1941* Baring the interval 1st:Class Asst-Ourgeon
R.Tasey was in charge.
r. lot Class Asst-SurGfion R.Easey was in *shh-charge througho
the Vear.
3. Vo thing of note occurred during the year* In December ther*
was a mild epidemic of mumps.
4*Climatically, the year was an average one but the rainfall
was Below normal.
6. The numbers of admissions and attendances compared with
those of 1940 were as followss-
In-patients. Out-patients. Operatioir
1940. 8. 11,?37. 117.
1941. 14. 16,7f4. 361.
6. iiularia will comtinue to be the most prevelant disease ir
hush!re until such time as vigorous anti-malarial measures
are carried o-.t by th** local medical authorities.
7. The branch dispensary at Cabzahad,under charge of DrrTase^
c mtinueo to care for the needs of the Residency employees
and their families.
-Major. 1.11.1.
’.Residency Surge on.