Page 317 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 317


         ;:cvjj o:\T T.;a ./cmvimg cp quarantine oh the aras coact
                    C/ T.'Iii PDHJIAH GULP POM THE ZISAll 1^43.

         1.  The Residency Eurr.eon toured the Arab Coast during
             the year, and inspected the Hospitals and quarantine
             stations at Kuwait, Bahrain, Dubai, Sharjah < Muscat,
         2.  Quarantine and Isolation ox' infectious and contnrious
             c.nses in Dubai and JharjaU are carried out by the
             Jhal'dis of those olrces under the advice of the .
             Medical Officer, Dubai,      The isolation cam is a
             7/ell chosen site and visited daily by the ..edical
             Officer, when there is an epidemic,      The system
             is thorough and satisfactory,
       • 2,  Bahrain, huTvait and . uscat are ’veil loohed after
             by the quarantine Medical Officers there.

         4.  There ’-ere epidemics of small-po:: at Muscat, Bahrain
             charjab ana Dubai and (3ah>.a, day of Khasab ) on
             the Crucial 'Joast, Muscat and Dubai beinp severe,
             Kuwait had a few imported cases off dhows from the
             Crucial Coast but energetic measures prevented the
             disease frer. assuming epidemic proportions.
             per sorircL.

             Residency 3urr*eon 3ushire and              or R. Moines’,
             •Chief .uarantine . edical officer,         : . -3.   ,1, ..J
                            Arab Coast.                     and
                                                      : !afor . L. C-reenv;a:r -
                                                                 I, .3  • ?
                                                        .. V.
             quarantine Medical Officer.             •Mar or     Ore a may,
                                                     M.Ti.C.   L.R.C.P.
                                                                 (I endon)
                                                     till r.   . If 43
             quarantine Medical Officer               Lieut.M.L.A.iteele,
                        Bahrain,                                   I,!!. J,
             ..uarantine Medical Officer
                          Muscat.                    1st.Class Asst.
                                                       C.S. Hynes, I.IT.D.

                                        Ad. A.L. GRii.i!r./AY.
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