Page 335 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 335


                     (c) Air.    No change is to be reported regarding
          Bushire Aerodrome which remained serviceable throughout the
          year with the exception of a few days in December after
          exceptionally heavy rain.     The aerodrome, however, seems
          capable of absorbing up to almost one inch of continuous rain
          •without becoming unserviceable.

                    The markings on Lingah aerodrome were renewed in
          November and their visibility is now reported to be good.
                    This Consulate-General's proposal for the extension

          of Asalu Landing Ground by a further 400 yards to an overall
          length of 1600 yards was sanctioned by the R.A.F. authorities
          but work will not be carried out until the close of the rainy

                     (d) Telegraphs. The service provided by Cable
          and Wireless was, of anything, an improvement on previous
          years, there being fewer breakdowns owing to the visit of a
          Cable ship during the year and to improved maintenance.

                     A direct T service between Bushire and Abadan
          for certain classes of messages was inaugurated in October.
                                     SECTION IV
                               Tribal and Political.
                     (a) Hlat Daud, Llravl and Rud Hillah.

                         The area continued to be safe under the control
          of the Hiat Daud Khans except for a short period in the summer
          when the Persian military authorities sent a detachment in

          order to enforce deliveries of v/heat by I!bhanmad Liravi from
          the area of Liravi.    Mohammad Ali was, however, permitted to
          return to his home in the fort at Kissar after signing a
          bond for his good behaviour and a guard of.'Hiat Daud

          tufangehis was quartered in the fort.
                     Fathullah Khan Hiat Daud acquired by purchase a

          further one-third of the area of Liravi, thus bringing the
          total owned by him to two-thirds,      The remaining one-third
          remains in the hands of Mohammad Ali Liravi.
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