Page 420 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 420

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                                  IV.— LOCAL GOVERKMKNT.
                  Ustandar. (Governor-General).— The appointment has been held
                  by Aghai Misbah Fatimi throughout the year.

                  Farmandar (Governor).— Towards the end of 1943 the Governorate
                  at Khorramshahr was divided into two Go.vemorates, Khorramshahr,
                  and Abadan. Aghai Hassan Mateen remains the Governor of
                  Khorramshahr, and Sarhang Mohamed Sadiq Uaulatshahi ha6 taken
                  over as Military Governor of the new Govemorate of Abadan.
                  Though the Governorate of Abadan has been in existence for  over
                  a year, up to the time of y/riting, no separate budget.has been
                  sanctioned for it, and it exists on loans from the Municipality
                  and other sources.
                  Judiciary.— There are two Subordinate Courts (one each at
                  Abadan and Khorranshahr) under the superintendence of a Senior
                  Court at Abadan. All three Courts were kept busy throughout
                  the year dealing with cases of pilferage and robbery. The
                  general standard of their efficiency is deplorably low, but on
                  the whole, British subjects who are involved in court cases
                 have not experienced any increased difficulties by reason of
                  their’ foreign citizenship.
                 Police.— Sarhang (Colonel) Vighar has held the office of
                  Chief of Police, Abadan, throughout the year and superintends
                  the work of Sarwan (Captain) Nikokar who was appointed as
                  Chief of Police for Kho it amshahr about the middle of the year,
                 from Tehran. Both these officers are unusually efficient
                 though they have had to face a serious shortage in the strength
                 of the forces at their disposal, and continuous battles with
                 Tehran for their supplies and maintenance.
                 Gendarmerie.— Sarwan (Captain) Hakir.i has held the post of
                 Chief of Gendarmerie under the direction of Sarhang (Colonel)
                 Shams-i-Mulk Ara in Ahwaz. The gendarmerie forces are also
                 considerably under strength and efforts to increase them have
                 been fruitless.
                 Health.— Doctor Heza Highabat has continued to hold the post
                 of Quarantine and Medical Officer, Khorramshahr, throughout
                 the year. Abadan was however removed from his charge about
                 the middle of the year and is now under the control of Dr.
                 Oyand. Fortunately the general state of health in the tv/o
                 towns of Abadan and Khorrenshahr has been good and there has
                 been no serious epidemic, against which, apart from periodical
                 issues of drugs and supplies from the Anglo-Iranian Relief
                 Centre to medical officers, they would have had no means of

                                 V.— MILITARY.
                 Allied Forces.— British and American forces have continued
                 to serve in tire area throughout the year. There has also been
                 a fluctuating force of Russian soldiers taking over Lease-Lend
                 goods for Russia. Military requirements have necessitated
                 tremendous improvement in the port, airport and communications
                 with the interior, which, given the least activity on the part
                 of the Persian Government, cannot help but be of tremendous
                 value after the War.                   *
                 Iranian Army.— Discussion has gone on periodically throughout
                 the year regarding me establishment of a Persian gorrison in
                 this area but up to the tine of writing they have not borne
                Iranian Navy.
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