Page 428 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 428
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7. A new Amorlcan Financial adviser, a Hr.John W.
Phillip# wa# appointed| a tremendous improvement on hi#
prodocooeor who had socured an unenviable roputation for
corruption, Tho American military personnel in thl*
area woro agreeable and cooperative.
8. H.8. Sir Hoader Bullard paid a visit to Bushlre
in April.
Arab Side*
9. SSIm.
Tho Kuwait Oil Company commenced operations
planned on an export programme of 30,000 barrels of crude
oil d day. 3y tho end of tho year much progress had been
made and the staff had greatly increased.
The Bahrain Oil Company produced an average of
23,000 barrels a clay. The construction of a causoTray,
pier ar.d wharves to permit the direct b-aikaring of ocean
going ships at Cltra was almost completed by the end Of the
year. With the end of tho war the large scale refining of
high cetane aviation spirit ceased.
Petroleum Concession# Ltd., restarted work in
Qatar and are putting into operation a hoavy drilling and
production programme. In l!arch they obtained an oil
concession from tho Ruler of U£a ol Qairaln. Exploration
in the Trucial Coast area was planned for the Winter of
10. jUL£.
Tbs Trooping Transit Scheme resultod in he aw/
military air traffic throughout the year along tho Arab Coast.
In Uay the 0.3.A. Air Transport Command ceased operating frea
aerodromes In Muscat territory which wore, houover, continued
to be operated by the Royal Air Force. There was a largo?