Page 437 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 437

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           gers in addition to the mails#
                   In accordance with the proposal made by this
           Consulate General, the extension of the landing ground
           at Asalu (referred to in the Administration Report for
           1944) has been completed#
            (d)    Telegraphs#    At the request of the local autho­

           rities, the Persian Wireless station In Bushire was In
           September unsealed by H.K's Consul In the presence of
           the Acting Governor, and formally handed back to the
           Persian Post and Telegraph Department#      On the occasion

           of the handing back of the transmitter cordial messages
           were exchanged, through H.LI’s Consul, between the Persian
           authorities and Cable and Wireless Ltd   •)  Bushire.

                                SECTION IV

                          TRIBAL AND POLITICAL

              (a) liiat Daud, Llravl and Rud Hilleh.
                  Peace reigned throughout this area until July,

           when Mohammad Ali Liravl made a sudden descent from Zai-
           dun upon Hisar fort, which was in the possession of Fath-
           ullah Khan Hiat Daudi, and, in contravention of the terms
           of the agreement signed by Mohammad Ali in November 1944,
           occupied the fort. The Persian Military authorities

           then proceeded to send two‘columns, one from Shiraz and
           one from Khuzistan, to expel Mohammad Ali from the fort#
           As soon as the Khuzistan column had reached Hisar and

           occupied It, the Qfficer Commanding this detachment
           proceeded to a point about 9 miles to the South East of
           Hisar, inhere a lively little battle had taken place
           between the Shiraz column and Mohammad All’s men# The
           Officer Commanding 0? the Khuzistan column being senior

           to the commander of the Fars column ordered* the latter to

                                                            withdraw• • • •

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