Page 511 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 511


          October and returned to Bahrain on    the 24th October.
                 (v)  Lieut-Col. A.C. Galloway, O.B.E., the.
          political Agent, Bahrain, toured the Trucial Coast
          from the the 19th December.
                 (vi) On the 26th February the Senior Naval
          Officer, Persian Gulf, visited Sharjah in H.M.S.
                (vii) Major A.L. Greenway, M.B.E •»   Residency
          Surgeon, Bushire, visited the Trucial Coast on the
          6th December and left by air for Bahrain on the 9th

              (e) MEDICAL.
                       There were no epidemics of any kind reported
          during the year.   The majority of people suffered from
          chronic malaria with splenomegaly,     Other prevalent
          complaints were venereal disease, and diseases of the
          eyes and respiratory and digestive systems.
              (f) ROYAL AIR FORCE.

                       A large number of thefts from the R.A.F.
          Camp were reported during the year. These included
          thefts of cash, ammunition, cable, M.T. Parts, and
          machine tools and parts. Theft was rendered com­
          paratively easy on account of the very inadequate
          security arangeraents in the camp. In October,
          however, the camp was partially fenced with barbed
          wire and Levy guards were, with the approval of the
          Shaikhs of Sharjah and Dubai, ordered to open fire
          on any person found in or around the camp at night
          and v/no failed to halt when challenged in the proper
          manner. These measures resulted in some decrease in
          the number of thefts.
              (g) U.S.A.A.T.C.

                   (i) in August the American Air Transport Command
          Detachment were withdrawn from Sharjah. They took with
          them most of their vehicles and equipment. A small
          staff cf one officer and eight men were left behind who
          expect to leave there shortly.

                  (ii) An American Survey Party, consisting of
          Lieutenant Moore and four men, arrived at Sharjah for
          the purposes of establishing ground "fixes'* in con­
          nection with the survey for an air route. They operated
          in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Ras al Khaimah, and Diba, and
          eventually left the Trucial Coast on the 22nd October
          for Muscat territory to continue the survey. They
          returned to Sharjah on the 20th November where they
          closed down and left for Cairo. Lieutenant Moore later
          returned and disposed of the party»s six vehicles by
          sale to the Trucial Shaikhs.

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