Page 521 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 521
On the occasions of the colebrations of the
Allied victories over Germany and Japan, His Highness of-
ferred his most sincere congratulations on the achievements
of His Majesty's Forces in bringing about these victories.
On various occasions he stated that ho was very glad to
fool that his territories bad teen of some use to His Ma
jesty's Government in the prosecution of the war.
His Highness remained in excellent health
throughout the year.
(b) Salyld Shlhsb bln Faisal; A few days after
the Sultan's arrival at Muscat, Saiyid Shihab was removed
from his post as Minister for External Affairs, His High-
ness made no attempt to conceal the disgust he felt at the
way in which his representative had conducted himself during
his absence. Saiyid Shihab left for India for medical
treatment in September and returned to Muscat in December.
(c) Salvid Tairrnr bin Faisal; The ex-3ultan
paid his first visit to Muscat, since abdication, on the
21st September and remained at Muscat till the end of the
year. His arrival was celebrated with considerable eclat.
Flags flew from Government offices, residences of the
members of the Ruling Family and Muscat notablesj Muscat
buildings on the sea front were festooned with bunting, and
sailing craft in harbour were gaily decorated. The reti
nues of the various Shaikhs who had arrived at Muscat to meet
him gave him the customary welcome by firing their rifles wildly
in all directions - a proceeding fortunately not attended on
this occasion by any casualties.
The object of the ex-Sultan1 s visit was stated
to be his desire to see his aged mother. His behaviour
while at Muscat was unobjectionable.
(d) Saivid bin Ibrahim: He remained in
office as Minister for Internal Affairs throughout the year.
(e) Saivid Toric bin Tfimur: He returned to
Muscat on the 7th July after completing his administrative
training in India. The Sultan bad some difficulty in making
up his mind as to how best to employ this formidable locking
relative, tut after good deal of discussion on the subject
with the Political Agent, eventually agreed to appoint him
as President of the Municipality. In spite of the Sultan's
fears that Saiyid Teriq's temperament would prove unsuited
to Municipal affairs, the appointment has so far been a dis
tinct success.
(f) Salyld Fahr bin Talmur: He continued his education
at the Mayo College, Ajmer.
Saiyid Tariq bin Taimur’s appointment as Presi
dent gave new life and prestige to the Municipality. 1 A vi
gorous campaign to clean up the towns of Muscat and Mutrah
was undertaken. Property owners were called upon to either
repair or demolish derelict buildings, roads were widened
and dangerous corners opened up. The construction of a
sea-wall to protect the road from Muscat to Mutrah was com
menced, and for the first time a determined effort to improve
sanitary conditions in the "Sur* inhabited by the Khoja com
munity was made.
III. Education