Page 593 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 593

           pricos for lucerne, dates, and vegetables.
           6. 1 MUNICIPALITIES.
                  No public work of major Importance was carried
           out this year,the work of the Municipalities being
           restricted as in 1945 to town cleaning, the widening
           and re-surfacing of roads, and co-operating with the
           Food control Department in the rationing of foodstuffs.

           7. PUBLIC WORKS.
                  Six rooms and several garages were added to the
           Manama Palace. Four houses for married teachers were
           constructed at the eastern end of the Manama primary
           School playing ground. A new European private ward was
           added to the State Hospital and an additional private
           ward built on the ground floor.
                  The creek on the western side of the customs pier
           has been filledj^and a beginning made with laying the
           foundations of the new Customs Sheds. The old import
           shed which is situated in the market is to be dismantled
           and the site used for shops.
                  As an experimental measure a stretch of metalled
           road was constructed from Manama to the Municipal boundary
           to overcome the excessive moisture which is the cause of
          many road accidents.
                  The Bahrain Government have contracted with
          Messrs. Holloway Brothers for the installation of a
           town water supply in Manana. Water will be distributed
           through a ring-main round Manama feeding a sub-main with
           extensions to private consumers, public wash-houses, and
           street hydrants. The pumping plant, consisting of three
           sets of pumps and storage* tanks, will be located in the
          Municipal Garden where there is a good supply of water.
          Two new artesian wells are being sunk in the garden. The
           scheme provides for the erection of a pump house and water
          storage tanks, and the laying of over 15 miles of asbestos
          cement piping. It will cost approximately £64,000 and it
          is estimated will take at least 18 months to complete.

              (i) New Installations.
                  The installation of the new 206 KW generating set
          which arrived at the end of 1945 was completed in April.
          The shaikh officially set it working, it operated at 90%
          of its capacity for long periods throughout the year, it
          has been run on an open circuit owing to the difficulty
          in obtaining equipment for a closed circuit cooling system,
          resulting in a daily distilled water consumption of 1,400
          gallons instead of the 90 gallons that would be used in a
          closed circuit. As this water had to be brought by road-
          tanker from jufair it added considerably to generating costs.
             (il) Extension to the power Supply.
                  During the year connection was given to a new B.O.A.C.
          100 KW sub-station, new stores and machine tool workshops,
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