Page 61 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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                 Repairs on a large scale vrore carried out to the
         hospital building during the year.     This caused a lack of

         accommodation, and the number of in-patients treated was
         necessarily loos than in the previous year.
              (ii) /■worican Mission Hospital
                 Dr. Vf.H. storm, M.D., was in charge of the hospital

         until Kay 15th, and Dr. ?.5?• Harrison during the remainder
         of the year*
                                                 1941          22*9.
              Cut-patients treated             35,081       54,039
              In-patients treated               1,018        1,252
              Operations                        1,170        1,047

             (ill) ichrnin Government Hospital
                 Dr. h.H.3. Snow held charge throughout the year,
         assisted, in the Women's Section of the hospital, (during
         the £aejor part cf the year), by Dr. 5r*M. B’.cDovrall.

                                                  1941         1940
                    Msnys Section
                Cut-patients treated          75,238         61,266
                In-patients treated            1,458            664
                Operations                     2,294          1,784
                    ■Voftien* 6 Section
                Cut-patianta treated          33,771         34,067
                In-patlent8 treated              443             346
                Operations                        IBS           407

              (iv) i\o in the previous year, malaria, venereal
         diseases «nd trachoma predominated during 1941.
                   In spite of greet progress in the anti-malarial
         work organized by the Bahrain Government in afceas surround­

         ing Jianamah, Muharraq, Sitra and Buddiya, the number of
         oases treated for /ualaria showed an Increase over that
         of the previous year* The recrudescence of malaria

         during the year under report was largely brought shout
         by the heavy rainfall of the previous Kovemher, which
         oaueed pockets of water and damp areas to remain for

         great lengths of time*
                                                         Venereal /-
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66