Page 624 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
P. 624


            Haoni Kajib, was posted as Hoadmaster.   All these teachers
            loft for Palestine during summer vacation, but did not return
            to Muscat again.
                   Two more teachers were recruited from Palootine at the
            end of the year and Ghallb Abdurrahman Nakshabandi, one of them,
            was posted as Headmaster.
                   The strength of the school at the end of the year was
            150; and there rrore seven teachers.
                   There have been no change* in communications during
            the year. Bahrain and Eu3hire cables have twice been in­
            terrupted and repaired. During these interruptions, Indirect
            communication with stations in the Persian Gulf has been
            maintained via Aden. The Karachi cable remains still inter­
            rupted. The ceble ship '’Enterprise’* visited Muscat twice
            during the year.
                  The proposal regarding airmail service via Has al Kadd
            to Muscat had to be given up owing to the closing down of
            the Royal Air Force Station at Ras al Eadd.
                  Mr. Jairath, Director, Posts and Telegraphs, visited
            Muscat in December to inspect the Muscat Post Office. During
            the course of conversation, he mentioned to the Political
            Agent that he had made arrangements to improve the general
            comrranicaticns in Gwadur.
            V. TRANSPORT.
                  External: 13 mail steamers from India and 17 from
            the Gulf ports called at Muscat during the year.
                  One E.I. steamer brought sugar from Africa.
                  The A.I.O.C. oil tanker ’’Khuzistan” made 5 trips to

            VI. POLICE.
                  Mohammed Jawad Darwesh was in charge of the Police
           Force at the beginning of the year, but resigned the Job
            later.  Had Niwas Khokher, Clerk, Muscat Infantry, held
           additional ebarge of the Police Force for the rest of the

           VII. uitf'iSHOK.
                  Major L.8. Hirst, I.A., 10th Gurkha Rifles, held the
           post of the Militaiy Adviser to His Highness the Sultan till
           the middle of December, when he handed over charge to Captain
           J.E.H. Hudson, Baluch Regiment.

                  The following of His Majesty*s ships visited Muscat
           during the year.
                 H.M.3. •Falmouth" on the 17th Januazy.

                 H.M.S. "Shoreham" on the 13th and 16th February, 16th
                   April, 30th May and 3rd July.
                                             H.M.S. Jamaica
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