Page 632 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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opened In Khorramshahr, to have instructed Tudeh leaders
to try to dissuade the townspeople from Joining that Party*
2. yrpdp. After the evacuation of U.S. Troops from
these areas, the surplus material and supplies left behind
were sold to a syndicate of Iranian merchants, who flooded
the market with canned foods etc. Imports during the year
were mainly from America and consisted chiefly of American
cars and trantors, glassware, crockery and sendnd-hand
Though articles of Russian manufacture were not in
evidence In the market, it is significant that, during his
freqnent visits to Khorramshahr, the Soviet Consul showed
increasing interest in the port facilities, and the figures
of imports from Britain and America. Two large conslgnm ents
of silver ingots were shipped through Khorramshahr to India
during the year by the U.S.S.R. Trade Delegation in Iran.
Each consignment weighed approximately 10i tons.
The American-Iraqi Shipping Company, established at
Khorramshahr at the end of 1945, continued to function during
the year and worked an average of two ships a month.
governor General. Agha Misbah Fatemi continued to hold the
appointment of Governor-General throughout the year.
Governor. Khorramshahr. The appointment was held by Agha Ha-
ssan Mate en throughout the year. He was absent on leave
from the 14th to 27th November, during which period Agha
Shukrullah Manuchcheri acted in his stead.
Military Governor Abadan. Sarhang Mohammed Sadiq Daulatshahi
held the appointment of Military Governor till Uth May, 1946,
when the post of Military Governor was abolished, and that of
Civil Governor created. Agha Jawad Vossuq retained charge of
the post of Civil Governor for the remainder of the year.
Owing to the outbreak of disturbances during the general
strike of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company labourers in July
and the necessity for the re-imposition of Martial Law, the
Military Governorate was re-opened and Major Fateh, the Garri
son Commander, was placed in charge of the post. He held /
charge till early in September, when he was arrested on the
orders of the Military Tribunal in Abadan, which was investi
gating the pauses of the strike, and sent to Tehran on a charge
of peculation in respect of a sum of Rials 200,000 paid to
him by the Oil Company for the purpose of evacuating 6/700
unemployed men and their families from Abadan. As it happens,
he was exonerated from the charge in Tehran and assigned to a
higher post. He was succeeded in Abadan by Colonel Jawanshir,
who however fell seriously ill shortly after his arrival and
was replaced on 2nd September by Colonel Sarimi, who held
charge till the end of the year.
Judiciary. Agha Ashraf Ahmedi, President of the Abadan Court,
held cnajge till June 8th, when he was suspended as a result
of Tudeh pressure and sent to Tehran. Agha Fahtemi, his
assistant, succeeded him and held charge for the remainder of
the year.
police* Sarhang Viqar held the appointment of Chief of Police,
Abadan, /-