Page 110 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 110


                          104.        ADMINISTEATION REPORT OP T1IE PERSIAN GULP POLITICAL

                                            Abstract Table glowing the Total Estimated Value of the Principal and
                                                                     To other
                                                                    European or
                                       AnnCLse.            To England.  American   To India.  To JaTa.
                                                              Rs.      Re.      Re.      Rs.
                            Poppy                                                  40
                            Quince •                                              400
                            Sesame .    .   •
                            Other sorts
                          Shark Fins
                          Shells, Mothzr-o’-Pbarl                                ••
                          Silk, Raw .
                            „ Manufactures op                                   12,000

                            Capsicum .   .  • .               • ••     • ••              • •9
                            Cardamoms   .   •                          • ••
                            Cinnamon    .   •                 • ••
                            Cloves                                                       • ••
                            Ginger, Dry
                            Nutmegs .
                            Pepper, Black  .                  • ••
                            Turraerio .   •   •               • ••     • ••
                            Other kinds                                • ••
                          Stationery .
                          Sugar-candy                                  • ••
                          Sugar, Crushed                                                  • ••
                            „ Loaf .                                                      M f
                           „ Soft .
                          Tallow                                                         • ••
                          Tea ....
                          Todacco                                      • ••               • • •
                          Tobacco, Manufactures of-
                           Cheroots and Cigars .
                           Snuff                                       • ••
                           Other sorts                                                   «% 0

                          Timber and Wood—
                           Planks of all kinds                • ••
                         Wax, Bees’                           • ••
                         Wool      m                          • ••     • ••   1,60,000.   • 09

                         Woollen Goods—
                           Broadcloth .     .   #    .
                           Carpets and Rags                   • ••               ••
                           Cloaks (Persian)                            • ••
                           Shawls •    •    •   •    •        • M
                           Other kinds •    •   . •   •       • ••
                         All other mnds not included above    • ••               2,000

                                                Total        38,000          12,50,030    • ••

                                                Specii        • • •    Mt     2,00,000   • ••

                                     GRAND TOTAL Rs.         88,000    ••I   14,60,080   • ••

                                   ►The aboT# detaili hare been obtained from re liable sources et Bunder Abbwe
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