Page 131 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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        Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods Imported into Bahrain daring
                             the Years 1882 and 1883—concluded.
                                          For tub Year
                                                           Increase in   Decrease in
                    CLA00.                                   1883.    1883.
                                        1882.      1883.
                                          Rs.       Rs.       Rs.      Kb.
        Shells, Mother-o-Pearl              700        850      150
        Silk, Raw                         10,300     9,650               650
         ,, Manufactures of               40,000    45.000    5,000
        Spices . •                      1,19,530   1,22.850   3,320
        Stationery                         2,550     2,900      350    •••
        Sugar-candy -                     12,500    13.000      500
        Sugar, Crushed                      700        600    fee        100
         „  Loaf .                         1,900     2,150      250
         „  Soft .                        31,000    33,000    2,000
        Tallow „                          18,300    19,200      900    • ••
        Tea                                 800        850      50     • ••
        Tobacco                         1,02,000   1,00,000            2,000
          „ Manufactures of                8,100     8,700      600
        Timber and Wood .                 32,000    36,000    4,000    • ••
        Wax, Beets' .                       550        450               100
        Wool .                            15,500     14,000             1,500
        Woollen Goods                     24,450     26,050   1,600
        Other kinds .                                         • ••
                           Total        25,32,965  26,47,COO   1,62,640  37,975

                           Specie       10,77,000  10,42,000           35,000
               GRAND TOTAL Rs.          36,09,965  30,89,030  1,52,040  72,975

                                    TABLE No. 21.
        Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods Exported from Bahrain during
                                 the years 1382 and 1383.
                                          Fob tub Thar
                                                            Increase in   Decrease in
                                         1882.     1883.     1883.    1883.
                                         Rs.        Rs.       Rs.      Rs.
        Animals, Living .                 53,400     50,700   e««       2,700
        Apparel, Wearing* .                1,100     1,300      200
        Arms and Ammunition                7,500     7,470    • •e        SO
        Beads and Amber .                   180        230       50    • ••
        Books and Printed Matter            880        880    • ••        50
        Building Materials                  900        800    see        100
        Candles                           1,200      1,500      300
        Canes and Rattans .                 120         80                40
        Canvas .                        1,22,000   1,21,600              400
        Cattle   .    ,  ’                 7.000     7,300      300
        Clocks and Watches *               1,450      1,350              100.
        Coel   .                                              sse      • ••
        Cocoannts                        e«« 2.000   e e • 1,900  «se
        Coffee   ,   . J                  77,000     40,000              100
        5°*r Coir-rope .                   2,250      2,800     550    37,000
        SsStePrc80r™                     1,80,300  1,87,250            eee 300
                                           8,700      8,350    6,950     350
                                           5,500      6,150     650
        Bite.   .   •
                                         1,15,200  1,08,700             6,500
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