Page 164 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 164


                        Contrasted Statement snowing the Value and Description of Goods Imported into Muscat—contd.

                                                          Foe the Official Yp.a*
                                                                            Increase in   Decrease <Q
                         I                                1882-83.  1683-81.  1883-81.  18S3-8L
                                                          Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
                          /  Colton Cloth •   •   •        136,212  111,340            24,872
                              „   >» hluo .                 .1,800   10.250    8,450
                            Turkey Red .                    47,000   49,305    2,805   • ••
                            Handkerchiefs, Coloured .       2,000    2,200               SCO
                            Chintz ...    •                 28,750   27,000   ...       1,690
                            Twist ....                      50,050   32,110            17,940
                            Cotton Yarns.   •              34,200    30,225             3,975
                            Broadcloth •                    2,0(10   1,0C5               935
                            Shawls and Loongies               800      545               235
                            Silk ....                       34,350   30,105   •••       3,885
                            Silk Goods .                    19,300   9,S80              9,420
                            Gold Thread .                   1,600    10,225    8,625
                            Hemp ....                       5,800    2,130              3,670
                            Twine ....                        100       St)               20
                            Gunny ....                        900      675               225
                            Rope Coir                         850      365               485
                            Copper.   .       •  •          5,500    5,030      130     • t#
                            Tin and Lead.   •               5,2' 0   6,055      855     • • v
                            Steel ....                        380      150               230
                            Brass ....                        500    1,375      875     • ••
                            Iron-wares .                    2,2-3)   3/245     1,045
                            Dyes ....                       1,H50      175    • ••      1,675
                            Indigo.                           620      4S5                135
                            Oil, Sweet                      34,630   20,625            14,005
                             „ Kerosine.                    2,110    1,480                630
                            Candles                           400      205                195
                            Oilseeds                          2oQ      190                10
                        <   Ganja (Flax seeds) .              S30      490               360
                        s   Sulphur                                     55       55
                            Lucifer Matches                 1,650     1,730      80
                            Fireworks                         2O0      105                95
                            S oo run gee ...                   10    • ••                 10
                            Punvass   .   .                   40        31    • ••         9
                            Saffron                         1,720     1,575               145
                            Alum •   .    •   .               170      165                 5
                            Wood ...                        2,»«70   1,805               205
                            Wines, Spirits, Liquors, &c.    5.730    4,500              1,170
                            Tar.......................................  7  JO     3
                            Paper .                         1,120    1,250      130     • ••
                            Crockery   ....                 3.730    3,«'00   • ••       730
                            Soda •                            50       100       50     • ••
                            Gram .   .   ' •   •                       155      155     • ••
                            Ghee.......................................  2,015  2,015   • •• 615
                            Cummin-6eed                     3,250    2,735    • ••
                            Coriander ....   •   •    •  &   210       280       70
                            Garlic .   . .                    40       255      215      860
                            Sal Ammoniao                     460       109
                            Hyacinth  agF-    •                        135      135     • • •
                            Borar    ....                   1,050       30    • ••        55
                           Caraway-seed   .    .   •         100        45    • # •      360
                           Hides .   • ...                  1,200      840    • ••      • ••
                            Pewter-wares   .   ••             70        76        6     • ••
                           Tallow    ....                    100       156       55     • • •
                           Boxes, empty, deal wood           910     1,000       90
                           Miscellaneous articles, such as cutlery
                             preserves, oilman's stores, &c.  24,200  29,555   5,355
                                              Total      1,142,78s  1,241,508  20G,003  100,423
                                              Specie      120,000   100,000
                                     GRAND TOTAL         1,262,728  1,341,508  200,603  180,423
   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169