Page 241 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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           Contrasted Statement shoeing the Value and Description of Goods imported into ling ah during
                               the Years 1883 and 1SS1.—continued.
                                             Fob tub Ybaub.
                                                              I&crcnso in   Decrease in
                       CfcASB.                                 1884.     1884.
                                           1883.      1884.
                                            R          R        R         R
           8ccds   .   •   •                11,050     15,050    4,000
           Shark Fine                        7,100      8,800    1,700
           Shells, Motlicr-o'-Pearl        1,73,600   1,49,000  • ••     21,600
           Silk, Raw                         7,300      7.000              300
            „ Manufactures of                3,600     17,850   14,250
           Spices  .                        52,0U0     64,S50   12,850
           Statione.y                        2,650      6,600    3,950
           Sugarcandy                       11,400     13,900    2.500
           Sugar, Crushed                   •••                           • ••
             „   Loaf  .                     3,700    * *6,400   2,700
            ,,   Soft  •   •                45,-SGO    39,500              ,300
           Tallow .                          7,100      9.000   *i’,GOO
          Tea    ,   •   .                   5,500      7.000    1.500
           Tobacco.                        1,39,71'0  1,48,700   9,000
             „ Manufactures of                 50         30                20
          Timber and Wood ,                 52,850     60,000    7,750
          Wax, Bees*                          200        130    • ••        50
          Wo .                               4,100      3,000             1,100
          Woollen Goods                    1,43,600   1,37,050            6,550
          Other kinds                       12,060      4,200             7,860
                            Total         55,63,310  G2,57,980   7,65,320  70,650
                            Sl’ECIE       25,09,000  25,68,01)0           1,000
                      GRAND TOTAL .       SI,32,310  83,25,9S0  7,65,320  71,650

                                      TABLE No. 16.
           Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods exported from Ling ah during
                                   the Years 18S3 and 1884,

                                             Fob ran Txabs
                                                              Lscrease in’   Decrease in
                                           18S3.      1884.  .  1884. •  1884.
                                            R          R         R        R
          Animals, Living                    1,000      3.600    2,600
          Apparel, Wearing •                 2,100      3,900    1,800
          Arms and Ammunition                1,900      5,300    3,400   • •
          Beads and Amber                    1,750      1,700   • ••        50
          Boots and Printed Matter           2,500      2.600     100
          Building Materials .               2,500      1,600              900
          Candles .   .                       900       1,450     550    ••
          Canes arid Rattans ’.             •••           50       50
          Canvas .       ?                  21,000     18,000            '8,000
          Cattle ,   ,   ,,                 12,600     16,500    3,900
          Clocks'and Watches                  350        500      150
          Coal                              •••                          • •
          Cocoanuta ,                        2,600     5.500     2,900
          Coffee ,   ,   !                  49,600     58.000    8,500-  M
          Coir and Coir Rope ,               5,550     8.500     2,950    ..
          Confectionery Preserves             150        300      150     • •
          Cotton Goods ,   ,               7,08,500  8,38,700  1,30,200
               Thread and T^viat            13,250     10,600    3,350
             ii Raw .                        6,400     8,900     2,500    • %
          Dates .                           64,800     73.000    8,2QO    • •
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