Page 25 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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       mission also, and brought the Shaikh a prisoner to Muscat. Tho repulse of the rebel force
       from Muscat and the subsequent operations of Seyyid Fey sal's expedition have completely
       restored His Highness Soyyid Toorkco's prestigo and havo had a tranquillizing effect on the
           Tlic Political Agent proceeded on tour to the Kooria Mooria islands and- Dhofar on the
       7th November and returned to Muscat ou the 2Cth in II. M. S. Philomel. In November
       Shaikh Bargash, the Temcemeh of the Beni Ghalfir tribe, and a man of some importance,
       was murdered at Bahila by his two brothers, who stabbed him while he was asleep and
       then seized the fort. Notwithstanding his late reverse Shuikh Saleh did not desist from in­
       triguing among the tribes and endeavouring to organise another rising against the Sultan.- He
       tried first with the Hejriecn, and then with tho Boni Boo Hassan, but failed to induce them
       to engage in hostilities, and he has since remained tolerably quiet.
           In February some disturbances aroso in Jaalan and a conflict took place between the Beni
       Boo Ilassan and Beni Ilasib tribes, in whioh five men were slain. By the Sultan's intervention a
       truce was subsequently effected between the parties. Shaikh Nasir-bin-Mohamracd-el Jhiah
       Awalce, who had been confined by the Sultan at Muscat since his seizure by Seyyid Feysal, waa
       roleased in this month on payment of arrears of taxes duo by him and by. a ransom of 8,000
       dollars. He was then allowed to return to his country.
           On tho 17th March Shaikh Hameyd of the Beni Ghaffir was murdered at
       Bahila by his brother, Nasir. Four months before these two had treacherously killed their elder
       brother, Bargase, and now the youngest, being eager to get sole possession of the chieftainship
       and family prcpcrty, had taken tlie opportunity to put the second brother out of the way by
       shooting him in the back while they were riding together.
           In this month the Bedouins of Dahirch raided part of the Batinch and carried off a quan­
       tity of booty.
           Official changes.—In April 1SS3 Major E. Mocklor was appointed Political Agent and
       received charge from Surgeon-Major Jayakar on the 20th. On tho 20th September Lieutenant-
       Colonel Miles resumed charge of tho appointment from Major Mocklcr.
           Marine.—Two vessels were wrecked on the southern coast of Arabia during 1883. In tho
       month of August Major Mocklcr received information of the crew of the S. S. Knight of the
       Bath, which had been wrecked at the Kooria Mooria islands, being at an Arab villago near
       Ras Sankirch, and on the repo, o reaching India the Amhcrioilch was despatched to their
       rescue, and they were taken to Bombay. In September the crew of the S. S Airy arrived
       at Muscat in an Arab bughlah and were taken to Bombay. The Airy had struck near Ras
       Fartak and been stranded, but the whole of the crew were saved.

                                          (Signed) S. B. MILES, Lieut.-Colonel,
                                       II. B M.'m Political Agent and Consul, Muscat.

         Bbitish Political Agency and Consulate,
                 Mb scat; 9 thJune 1864..

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