Page 256 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                                                   TABLE No. 22.
                       Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods exported from Bunder
                                           Albass during the Years 1833 and 1831.
                                                         Fob tub Ybabo
                                                                           Increase in   Dec roue in
                                   Class.                                    1881.    1881.
                                                        1883.      1881.
                                                           a          a        a        a

                      Animals, Living                      400       2,100    1,700
                      Apparel, Wearing .   .
                      Arms and Ammunition                            1,200    1,200
                      Beads and Amber •                                      • ••
                      Books and Printed Matter             200        400      200
                      Building Materials .                 600       1,000     400
                       Candles   .   . •   .            • ••                 A.
                       Canes and Rattans  .
                       Canvas •   •   •   •             • ••         1,500    1,500
                       Cattle* •                           GOO       1,500     000
                       Clocks and Watches.                1,000                        1,000
                       Coal ....                                   • ••
                       Cocoanuts   .   .                                     • ••
                      Coffee •   •  ” •                            • ••
                      Coir and Coir Rope*.   •
                      Confectionery Preserves              400       1,000     600
                       Cotton Goods .     .               7,500    •••                 7,500
                            Thread and Twist .                     • ••
                         „ Baw .                       1,70,000   2,00,000   30.000
                      Bates- •                           72,000   1,00,000   23.000
                      Bate Juice   .   .
                      Brugs and Medicines               1,20,210   1*26,700    490
                      Bycing and Colouring Materials   2,59,000   3,15,500   58,500
                      Earthenware •                         80       1,000     920     • ••
                       Fruits and Vegetables           4,99,400   5,19,000   19,600
                       Fuel                                140                          140
                      Furniture                                    • ••
                       Glass and Glassware                  80        550      520
                      Gold Embroidered Cloth .                     • ••      • ••
                        „ Lace .          .
                        ,, Thread, &c.** .                         • ••
                      Grain and Pulse                    13,100     25,500   12,400
                      Gum • • •   • p •   •                600       6,000    5,400
                      Hardware and Cutlery              • ••                 • ••
                      Hides and Skins • • .
                      Indigo •                            7,700      6,000             1,700
                      Jute, Raw                         • ••       • ••
                        „ Manufactures of               • ••                 • ••      • ••
                      leather, Manufactures of .            90        700      610     • ••
                      Lemons, Bry   .  .   •            •••        • ••      • ••
                      Lemon Juice   •  .   .              1,200      1,300     100     • ••
                      Liquors, Wines  and Spirits       • ••                 • • •
                      Lucifers.   •  •                  • ••       • ••      • ••      • ••
                      Mate «      •  •                     250       2,500    2,260
                      Metals •                                     • ••      • ••      • st
                         „ Manufactures of .            • ••       • • •     • ••      • ••
                      Mill-stones   •                     1,100     3,800     2,700
                      oa                                                     • • •   6,69,900
                      Opium •   .    •                 12,71,900  7,02,000   • ••      • ••
                      Paints and Colours                • M        • ss      • ••
                      Pearls .   .   •                             •••       • ••
                      Perfumery   .  .   •   .          Ml                   • ••      • f«
                      Porcelain and Cbinaware .                              • •• 200  • M
                      Provisions and Oilman's Stores     16,800     17,000
                      Salt.  •,  *.  ••                  6,160      12,000            •••
                      8altpetre                          2,000      4,600
   251   252   253   254   255   256   257   258   259   260   261