Page 267 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                      RESIDENCY AND MUSCAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR 1884-35.

         Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods imported into Bahrein during
                             the Years 1883 and. 1884.—continued.
                                           FOU TUB YkaKB
                                                            Increase in   Decrease in
                    Club.                                    1881.     1881.
                                         1883.      1831.

                                          R          R         ft       R
         Saltpetre                         1,650      1,800     150
         See                               4,920      4, 900     70
         Shark Fins                        0,100      G,500     400
         Shells, Mothor-o'-Pearl             850      1,000     150
         Silk Raw                          9,050     10,700    1,050
          „ Manufactures of               45.000     49,000    4,0i»0
         Spices •   .   .                1,22/50    1,3:5,470   10,G2 )
         Stationery                        2,900      3,050     150
         Sugnren ndy                       13.000    12,500              500
         Sugar, Crushed                      f<00      300      2C,0
          „ Loaf   .                       2,150      2,300     150
          ,, Soft   •   •                 33,000     29.000              ,000
         Tallow .                         19,200     21,500    2,300
         Tea .     •                         S50      1,250     100
         Tobacco .   .   •               1/0,000    1,00,000   0,000
           „ Manufacture* of               8,70o      9,750    1,050
         Timber and Wood .                3G,000     05.000    2,000
         Wax, Bees'                          450       430       30
         Wool .                           14,000     14,500     500
         Woollen Goods   •                20,050     25,350              700
         Other kinds .   .                           • ••

                            Total       20,17,030  29,15,710   2,82,550  14,410
                            Specie      10,12,000  10,l'),000  ! 1  0,000
                   GRAND TOTAL          3G,89,05O  39,63,740 j 2,SS,550  14,110

                                    TABLE No. 27.
           Contrasted Statement shoeing tre Value and Description of Goods exported from Bahrein
                               during the Years 1SS3 and 1684.

                                           Fob tub Yzaju   j Ikcbeasb in Decbxasi iv
                                         1883.      1884.    1884.     18S4.

                                          R          R         ft       R
        Animals, Living                   50,700     45,900             4,800
        Apparel, Wearing .                 1 300      1,300   • ••
        Arms and Ammunition                7,470      6,600              870
        Beads and Amber .                   230        180                50
        Books and Printed Matter            83u        900       70
        Building Materials                  800       1,000     200
        Candles                            1,600      1,650     150
        Canes and Rattans «                  80        100       20
        Canvus                           1,21,600   1,23,400   1,800
        Cattle .                           7,300      6,500   •••        800
        Clocks and Watches                 1,350      1,150              200
        Coal                                                  t ••      • #e
        Cocoanuts ,                       *1,900      1,600              300
        Coffee ,                          40,000     85,000   45,000
        Coir and Coir Rope .               2,800      2,400   • ••       400
        Confectionery Preserves            8,200      2.900   • ••       300
        Cotton Goods .                   1,87,250   1,93,100   6,850
             Thread and Twist              8,850      8,000              360
             Raw .                         6,150      5,850   MS         300
        Batts .                          1,08,700   1,10,000   1,800
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