Page 279 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 279

                      RESIDENCY AND MU8CAT POLITICAL AGENCY FOR 1884-85.
          Controlled Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods imported into the Ports on the
                 Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf during the Years 1883 and 1SS4—continued.

                                            For tub Ybabs
                                                            Increane in 'Decre-ue in
                     Class.                                   188L     1884.
                                          1883.     188-1
                                           H          R        R        R
         Saltpotro                         3,200      1.500             1,700
         S eeas .                          4,930     2,930              2,050
         Shark Fins .                      1,000      1,800     800
         Shells, Mothcr-o'-Pcarl           7.000      0,800              200
          Silk, Haw .                      3.000      1,900    • M      1,100
          n Manufactures o£               10,700      5,350             6,350
         Spices .                         40,400     50,500   16,100
         Stationery                        2,100      1,800              300
         Sagarcandy .                      1,500      3.500    2,000
         Sugar, Crushed                                                 • ••
           „  Loaf .                       1,100      2,300     900
           „  Soft .                      31,500     41,800   10,300
         Tallow .                          8,100      9,800    1,700
         Tea                               1,150       COO               550
         Tobacco                          15,W0      12,300             3,570
            „ Manufactures of               450        550      100
         Timber and Wood .                45,000     CO,900   15,900
         Wax, Bees* .
         Wool .                            1 ,S50     3,000    1,150
          Woollen Goods                   16,200     19,500    3,300
         Other kinds .
                             Total     1,31,85,545  13,34,030  1,99,315  1,75,330

                            Specie       4,98,500  10,25,000  5,26,500
                   GRAND TOTAL          13,17,015  23,68,030  7,26,315  1,75,330

                                     TABLE No. 32.
          Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods exported from the ports on the
                   . Arab Coast of the Persian gulf during the gears 1883 and 1884.

                                           Fob thb Ybabs
                                                             Increase in   Decrease
                      Class.                                   1884.    1884.
                                          1883.      1884
                                            R 710     R         S        R
          Animals, Li ring                 13,800     20,300    6,590
          Apparel, Wearing .                1,800      1,250               550
          Arms and Ammunition               5,950      5,100               850
          Beads and Amber .                             250      250
          Books aud Printed Matter                    • •a
          Building Materials .                                           • ••
         Canes and Rattans .                                    • • •    • ••
          Canvas .
          Cattle .                            800       200                 GOO
          Clocks and Watches                  100       100     • ••     • ••
          C°»l .    .   .                  • ••       • ••               • ••
          Cocoannts                         4,040      6,600    1,560
          S0?06 ,•                                     5,500    6,500    «•«
          Cow and Coir Rope ,                          2,000    2,000
          Confectionery Preserves                                        Me
                                                                         • ••
          Cotton Goods .
                                                                at#      ms
          Thread and Twist ,                          • ••
           « Raw .                                                       • at
          Date .                                                • a#
                                            19,000    10,500    • ee       0,400
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