Page 285 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                                Estimates for the year 1661-65.

                                                        Valoo in    Ikmarlu.
         From          Articles.            Quantity.    Doll art.

              Rico, Bengal .           130,000 bags      620,000
               „ Malabar                 5.000 moorabs   10,000
               „ Red     .   .            500 bags        1,500
              Wheat .                    1.000  „         3.000
              B»jree •   •   •            100 „             250
             Jowaree    •                2,000 „          4.000
             Dhnll .                      100 „             400
             Sugar .                     6,000 „          70,000
               „ candy .                  150 „           1,200
              Jogree .   «                 25 „             150
              Coffee •                   3.000  „        45,000
             Tea                          200 cases         450
              Pepper .                    400 „           7.000
             Turmeric                     350 „           2,300
              Cardamoms                    20 boxes       2.000
              Cinnamon                    460 „           2,700
              Ginger, dry  .               10 bags          110
              Nutmegs                       8 boxes         250
              Betel-nuts                   60 bags         1,000
              Cocoanuts, fresh           6.000 in No.       100
                      dry                  25 mooiahs       125
              Tamarind                    400   „           900
              Monkey-nuts  .   •          700 hags        3.000
              Musk                         30 dubbas       6.000
              Aloes wood                   15 boxes        3,750
              Frankincense .              300  „           4,500
              Sandalwood chips            100 bags         2,000
              Camphor                      20 boxes         200
          3   Gooraccoo                   100 casks         400
              Cotton, damaged             500 bales        1,250
              Cotton stuff  .            1,050 „         105,000
                „ cloth (blue) .          200 „           50.000
              Turkey red , J              200 „           30.000
              Ilandkerchiefe, coloured     20 „            2.500
              Chintz .                    125 boxes       80.000
              Twist .                     440 „           84.000
              Cotton yarn .   .             8 „           60,400
              Broadcloth                   10 bales        1.500
              Shawls and loongies          15 „            1,000.
              Silk .                       20 „           28.000
              Silk goods                   25 boxes        6,000
              Gold thread  .               15 „            9,000.
              Hemp ,                      500 bags         2,600
              Twine .                       5 bundles       100
              Gunnies                      40 bales        1,200
              Rope, coir                   60 bundles       400
              Copper                      100 boxes        5.000
              Tin and lead  .   .        1,200 pieces      6.000
              Stwl .                       40 boxes         130
              Brass .                      25 „             800
              Iron-ware   ,   ,          1,500 „           3,000
              ?«• •      •  •              40 casks         200
              Indigo ,                      6 bags          400
              Oil, sweet                 3,600 tins       20,000
              »» ' kcrosine  .                tff         • • •
              Candles   ,                  60 boxes         200
              Oil.Booda                    50 bags          260
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