Page 340 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 340


                      Contrasted Statement stowing the Value and Description of Goods exported from Bu shirt
                                       during the years 1831 and 1885—concluded.

                                                        Fob xiu Ykajb
                                                                         Incrcnsola  Docrouo la
                                                                          1885.    1885.
                                                      1884.     1885.
                                                       fi        fi        R        R
                    Fuel .     .    •   •                                            • •
                    Furniture   ,   «                     60       600      550
                    Glass and Glassware •                500      3,600    3,100
                    Gold Embroidered Cloth .                               • is
                    Gold Lace   .   •                 • ••
                    Gold Thread, &c.   •                          6,400    6,400     • •
                    Grain and Pulse ’ •              4,27,350   2,34,200           1,93,150
                    Gum •      .    •   •              54,730    66,600   ii’,370
                    Hardware and Cutlery •                        1,000  . 1,000
                    Hides and Skins                    39,760.   43,080    8,320
                    Indigo .   .    .   .                800        800
                    Jewellery   .   .                   6,500                        6,500
                    Jute, Raw   .   .   .             • ••       • ••
                      „ Manufactures of                           2,700    2,700
                    Leather, Manufactures of .          2,500       320              2,180
                    Lemons, Dry  .   .   .
                    Lemon Juice  •   •   •               200     • ••                  200
                    Liquors, Wines, and Spirits         2,830     1,410    • ••      1,420
                     Mats ....                           120        160       30     • •
                     Metals ....                       10,650     4,000              6,650
                      „ ^Manufactures of                3,400     16,290   12,890    • •
                    Millstones   .   .                                     M#        • •
                     oil                              ’’*1,240                        1,240
                     Opium ....                      33,06,000  42,53,000  9,47,000  • •
                     Paints and Colours .             • ••
                     Pearls ....                        2,000                        2,000
                     Perfumery                         39,580    87,170    47,590
                     Porcelain and Chinaware .                    3,400    3,400
                     Provisions and Oilman's Stores    55,350    32,440             22,910
                     Salt ....
                     Saltpetre .   .
                     S<                                48,480    38,050              10,430
                     Shark Fins
                     Shells, Mother-o'-Pearl          “*2,000    ”*9,700   7,700
                     Silk, Raw .                     1,42,900    86,870    • ••      56,030
                         Manufactures of              • ••
                    Spices .                                      1,260    1,260     • •
                    Stationery                           200        200              • •
                     Sugar Candy.                                                    • •
                      „ Crushed                                                      • •
                      „ Loaf .                         24,180     4,250              19,930
                       „ Soft  .                         650      6,000    5,350
                    Tallow •   .                         750      2,640     1,790
                    Tea                                  350         60    • M         290
                    Tobacco.   •                     4,60,060   6,28,600   62,650
                      i, Manufactures of
                     Wood, Manufactures of                       *25,300   2*5*,300
                     Wax, Bees* ,                       1,700       620               1,180
                     Wool .                            14,850     14,760                90
                    Woollen Goods                    1,96,800   1,39,800   • ••      67,000
                    Other kinds .   •                  29,500     10,400             19,100

                                        Total       01,09,860  70,66,020   14,10,120  6,19,050
                                        Spzoik       6,04,720  • 8,88,260  *•«    1,70,470

                               GRAND TOTAL          07,84,570  74,46,170  14,00,120  0,06,620
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