Page 376 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 376


                                                TABLE No. 22.

                    Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods imported into Bahrein durina
                                            the years 1864 and 1838.

                                                        Fob th* Ybab
                                                                        Incronse in   Decrease in
                                 Class.                                   1886.    1886.
                                                     1884.      1886.
                                                      a          a         a        a

                    Animals, Living   •   .           34.,250    31,750             2,500
                    Apparel, Wearing  .                2,000      3,500    1,500
                    Arms and Ammunition •             13,650     15,380    1,830
                    Beads and Amber   .   •             450        500       50
                    Books and Printed Matter •         1,200      1,350     150
                    Building Materials  •               250        200                50
                    Candles ...        *               3,500      8,800     300
                    Canes and Rattans  . •   •          200        150    • ••        50
                    Canvas «...                                 • ••
                    Cattle ....                       37.500     51.000    3,500
                    Clocks and Watches •               3,100      3,550     450
                    Coal .    •    • •   •                       13,300   13,300
                    Cocoanuts                          5.000      6.500    1,500
                    Coffee .                         1.24.000   1,27,800   3,800
                    Coir and Coir Rope .              16.500     17.000     500
                    Confectionery Preserves .          6,850      8,200    1,350
                    Cotton Goods .                   3.06.000   3.11.000   5,000
                     „ Thread and Twist .             23,000     23,200     200
                    Cotton Raw •                     1.15.000   1,13,500            1,500
                    Dates ....                       1.45.000   1.48.000   3.000
                    Date Juice ...                     9.000     10.000    1.000
                    Drugs and Medicines               24,910     26,S70    1,960
                    Dyeing and Colouring Materials     9,650     11,340    1,690
                    Earthenware   •   •   •            2.500      3.000     500
                    Fruits and Vegetables             24,650     22,400             2,250
                    Fuel •     .   »   *              26,900     16.500    8,100   10,400
                    Furniture   •   •   .             ‘”2,300     3,100
                    Glass and Glassware                           1,350   • ••       950
                    Gold Embroidered Cloth .           1.500       850    is#        650
                     „ Lace    .   •                   1,600      1,200              300
                     „ Thread, &c,   •   •             9,300     10,000     700
                    Grain and Pulse   .   .          6,51,900  6,55,100    3,200.
                   Gum •       *   •  ' •               320        350      250
                   Hardware and Cutlery .              2,500      2,760
                    Hides and Skins •   ♦             15,900    .16,800     900      800
                   Indigo .    .   .   •              13,600     12,700   • ••  500
                   Jute, Raw   •   •   •               6,000      5.500
                     „ Manufactures of                  750       1,750    1,000      50
                    Leather, Manufactures of .         2,050      2.000   • ••  7C0
                    Lemons, Dry  •   •                10,800     11.500     100
                    Lemon Juioe   .   •   •             650       750       100
                    Liquors, Wines, and Spirits         600       600                300
                    Lucifers.   •   •                  2,000      1,700   •••       4,830
                    Mats •     «   •   •               5,180                850
                   Metals .   •    •   •              23,850     24,700     700
                      „ Manufactures 0*  .             6,500      7,200      30
                    Millstones   .   •                  270        300     8,350   ••
                   Oil •      •    *                  42,770     46,120      60    ••
                    Opium •   •    «   t                           180       30    • •
                    Paints and Colours «                100               •••     1,49,000
                   Pearls •   •    •   9             5,80,000   4,31,000  ...       8,750
                    Perfumery  . #   •                13,050                500
                   Porcelain and Chmaware .            4,500      6,000    1,700   • st
                    Provisions and Oilman « stores   1,00,700   1,02,400    100    ...
                    8alt •    •    •   •               1,000      1,950     160    ...
                    Saltpetre   .   •   »              4,900      4,720              270
                    8 eeas .   •                       6,500      7,000   *6,000   ....
                    8 hark Fins   •
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