Page 389 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 389


          Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods imported into the Torts on the
                Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf during the years 1684 and 1885—concluded.
                                            For thb Year
                                                             Incrcrwo In   Dccrwioo in
                      Class.                                  1885.    1885.
                                          1881.      1895.
                                            ft         ft      ft       ft
          Shells, Mothcr-o'-Pearl           G,800                       6,800
          Silk, Raw •                       1,900      4,600     700    • ••
           „ Manufactures of                5,350     10,000     650
          Spices .   •                     60,500     41.000            15,500
          Stationery                        1,800      2,500     700    • ••
          Sugar Candy .                     3,500      2,200             1,300
              Crushed                                • ••               • ••
           „ Loaf  •                        2,300      2,500     200
           „ Soft   .   .                  41,800     50.000    8,200   • ••
          Tallow .                          9,800     12,500    2,700   • ••
          Tea                                 600       400               200
          Tobacco                          12,300      5,200             7,100
           „ Manufactures of                 550                          550
          Timber and Wood                  60,900     31.000            29,900
          Wax, Bees' , . .
          Wool . .                         ”*3,000     *1,800            1,200
          Woollen Goods                    19,500     25.000     500    • it
          Other kinds .                    • ••
                             Total       13,43,030  17,26,6S0  5,12,270  1,28,620

                             Specie      10,25,000   5,28,000          4,97,000

                    GRAND TOTAL          23,68,030  22,54,080  5,12,270  6,25,620

                                     TABLE No. 28.

          Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods exported from the Ports on
                   the Arab Coast of the Persian Gulf during the years 1884 and 1885.

                                             Fob tub Year
                                                             Increase in   Decrease in
                      Class.                                   18S5.    1885.
                                          1884.      1835.
                                           ft         ft        ft       ft
          Animals, laving                   20,300    24,000    3,700    • ••
          Apparel, Wearing .                1,250       600     • ••      650
          Arms and Ammunition               5,100       100              5,000
          Beads and Amber .                   250               • ••       250
          Books and Printed Matter         • ••                 • ••     • M
          Building Materials •                                  • ••     • ••
          Candles .                        • ••       • ••      • ••     • •%
          Canes and Rattans •              • ••       Ml                 Mi
          Canvas .                         • ••       • ••      • •t     • ••
          Cattle .                            200       150     • ••       50
          Clocks and Watches.                 100               • ••      100
          Coal .                           • ••         400      400
          Cocoanuts                         5,600       800     • ••     4,800
          Coffoe .                          6,500      6,000     500     • M
          Coir and Coir Rope .              2,000                        2/)00
          Confectionery Preserves                       800      800
          Cotton Goods ,                   tit        t«»       • ••
            n Thread and Twist             • it       • •t      Mi       Ml
               Raw *                                  ...       •••
                ....                        10,500    10,000    • ••      500
          Date Juice...   ,   ,            • ••       • ••      • ••     ..v
          Drugs and Medicines ,             2,650      2,500    •••        150
          Dyeing and Colouring Materials    9,700     • «i      iM       9,700

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