Page 400 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 400


                        Contrasted Statement showing the Value and Description of Goods exported from Muscat.
                                             Estimate fob tr* year 1885-88.

                                                       Fob tub Official Teak
                                                                         Incrcnso In   Dcctcjwo la
                                                                         1885-80.  1885-88.
                                                       1884-86.  1885-80.

                                                        Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.  Dollars.
                     Bates (pressed)                    250,000  175,000            75.000
                       * (dry) .                        268,400  150,800           117,600
                       „ (black)                        90.000    56.000            34.000
                       „ (fanl)                          62,300  50.000             12,800
                     Date juice .                        1,800    1,400               400
                     Fruit •           •                40.000    26.000            14.000
                     Dried limes .                       18.000   21,000   3,000    • M
                     Rani ns                               150      100                50
                     Plums      •  •   .                 1,500     1,100              400
                     Almonds   .                           400      250               150
                     Walnuts and 6kina                     180      100                80
                     Tamarind •                            650      615               135
                     Fish ....                           10,000   9.500               600
                       „ small, for manure •             2,800    2,000               800
                       „ sounds...                       3.500     1,200             2,800
                     Shark fins ...                      4,000     1.500             2,500
                     Pearls     .  .   .                 40.000  41,000    1,000
                     Mother-o*-pearl  .   •              12.000   15,000   3,000
                     Cotton                              14.000   6.500    • ••      7,500
                       „ fabrics   .   •                 80.000   17,500            62,600
                       „ seeds                           4.000    4,350      360
                     Rose leaves  .                       1.500     625               875
                       „ water  .                         1,300     750    • ••       550
                     Pomegranate skins and seeds          1,500      80    • ••      1,420
                     Henna >  .                           3.000     900    •••       2,100
                     Opium      •  .                      5.000    2,000   • ••      3,000
                     Wheat      .  .   •                 15.000   12,600             2,500
                     Rice •     •  .   •                180,000  200,000   20,000
                     J owari   ...                       3,750     3.000   • ••       750
                     Ghee ....                           2.000     1,600   • ••      2,000
                     Sugar •    •  •   •                 8,000     6.000
                     Salt ....                           18.000   32,500   14,500
                     Red ochre   •  •   •                  000      350    . ••       250
                     bladder    •  .   •                   200     1,150     950    • ••  260
                     Asafcetida  .                         300       40
                     Garlic •   •  •   •                   375      150             • •• 225
                     Musk .     .  •   •                 5.000     6,000   • • •
                     Aloes wood  .                       3.000    3.500      600      800
                     Incense   •   •                     2.000     1,200   #•#
                     Shuana    .   .                     1,000    1.500      600    • •• 750
                     Aloes     •   •   •                 1,000      250    »•#        525
                     Senna leaves   ♦.                     700      175             3,500
                     Dragon's-blood   .                  4.000      700    •••
                     Budebnd    •  •   •                 1.000     1,300     300      600
                     Reed pens   .   •   .                 600    • t •    • ••      M50
                     Goatr hair  •   .   •               1,600      150              1,000
                     Cowries   .   •   •                 1,000             !,ooo
                     Hulwa     •   •                     8,000    4.000
                    Otto of roses                        1,500    1,500
                    Canvas, Arabian  •   •               1,600    2,100      600    *“200
                     Rafters   .   .   •                 2,400    2,200    f ••     3,600
                    Donkeys    •   •   •                 6,600    3.000    •••
                    Oil, kcrosine                       12,000   15,000    8,000      000
                    Cloves     •   •   •                 2,600      600
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