Page 436 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 436


                                      APPENDIX A TO PART III

                       1.  Return of Principal Articles of Export from Busliire during tho year 1888.
                       2. Return of Principal Articles of Imports into Bushirc during tho year 1888.
                       8. Tablo showing the Total Value of all Articles exported from and imported to Bushire
                   from and to Foreign Countries during tho years 1886 and 1888.
                       4. Return of Shipping at the Port of Bushire in tho year 1886.
                       6. Return of British Shipping at the Port of Bushiro during the year 1888.
                       6.  Return of Foreign Shipping at the Port of Bushiro during the year 1888.
                       7.  Statement showing the Quantity of Opium exported from Bushire from 1st January to
                   31st December 1886.
                       8.  Return of Principal Articles of Export from Lingah during tho year 1886.
                       9.  Return of Principal Articles of Imports to Lingah during the year 18SG.
                       10.  Table showing the Total Value of all Articles exported from and imported to Lingah
                   from and to Foreign Countries during the years 1885 and 1886.
                       11.  Return of Shipping at the Port of Lingah- in the year 1886.
                       12.  Return of Principal Articles of Export from Bundetr Abbass during the year 1886.
                       13.  Return of Principal Articles of Imports into Bunder Abbas during the year 1886.
                       14.  Table.showing the Total Value of all Articles exported from and imported to Bunder
                   Abbacs from and to Foreign Countries during the years 1885 and 1886.
                       15.  Return of Shipping at the Port of Bunder Abbass in the year Z836.
                       16.  Statement showing the quantity of Opium erported from Bunder Abbass from 1st
                   January to 81st-December 1886.
                       17.  Return of Principal Articles of Export from Bahrain during the year 1886.
                       18.  Return of Principal Articles of Import into Bahrain during the year 1886.
                       19.  Table showing the Total Value of all Articles exported from and imported to Bahrain
                   from and to Foreign Countries during the years 1885 and 1886.
                      20.  Return of Shipping at the Port of Bahrain in the year 1886.
                       21.  Return of Principal Articles of Export from the Ports of the Arab Coast of tho Per­
                   sian Gulf during the year 1886.
                      22.  Return of Priocspai Article? of Imports into the Ports of the Arab Coast of the Per­
                   sian Gulf during the year 1886.
                      28, Table showing the Tofcd Value of all Articles exported from and imported to the Ports
                   of tho Arab Coastal the Persian Gulf from and to F-aresgn Countries during the years 1885
                   and 1886.
                      24. Retain a£ Shipping at the Posts of the Arab Oast of the Persian Gulf in the year
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