Page 504 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 504


                                               TABLE No. 1.
                            Return if Principal Articles of Export from But hire during the year.

                                                           1387.            1880.
                                                     Quantity.  Vain#  Quantity.  V#lo#
                                                             (la Sterling).    On Sterling).
                                                                 A                 A
                   Animal# (hone#) .                  866      54.900  893         68,900
                   Cattle                            8,500 bead   15,000  6.000 bead   18,000
                   Cotton (raw)  ,                  48.660 cwta.   10.09.200   27,640 cwts.   6,20.260
                   Date#    .     . •                8.617   „  28,180   21.720   - 72,700
                   Drugs and modicinos                GT.2  r»  18,780   1,144   11 „  81,030
                   Dyeing and colouring rntfurtal#   8,700   „  46.270  4,920      61,420
                   Fruit and vegetable# .           14,730   „  1,81,490  11,046   M II  1,38.340
                   Grain and pulse                   6.674   „  28,820  14.964   H  60.640
                   Gum     ...                       6.716   „  68,080  8 607      69,690
                   Hides and skins                  2,021 b’dlcs   1,40,040  1.766   „  62,160
                   Metals (copper)                   1.453 cwta.   48,850
                   Opium    .   .                   2,939 chests.  29,39,500  4,243 chests   42,43,000
                   Pearls                              9 pels.   27,600  3 b’dlcs   11.700
                                                  (  10,752 cases     6,099 cases &
                   Perfumery                      l  7.352 carboy*   ] 1,58,580 £  11,619 carboys }  1,26,350
                   Provisions and oilman’; tons     2,470 pkges.   52.500  8,612 pkges.   81,130
                   Seeds   ,                        6,617 cwts.  39,940  6,265 cwts.  43,0-10
                   Silk (raw)   ...                  304      1.70.200   213  II  1,19,560
                   Tobacco   ...                    24,212  >»  4,51,300  19.416   •t  8,10.660
                   Wool                             2.610 „    41,760  1.126 „     19.700
                   ■Woollen poods (carpet^ .         601 b’dlcs.  2,00,400  621 bales  4,19,700
                   Other articles   . .                       1,03,400            1.-7,260
                                           Total              58.19,690          65.91.130
                                        Specie                4,29,860            6,98,860
                                     GRAND TOTAL              62,49,550          71,89,990
                                               TABLE No. 2.
                            Ref.tint if Principal Articles of Import to Bushire during the gear.
                                                          1687.             1856.
                                                     Quantity.  Valno  Quantity.  Vain#
                                                             (in Sterling).    (In Sterling).
                                                                A                  A
                  Animals   ...                       42        5,100  400         15.000
                  Anns and ammunition                170 pkges.   31,940  350 pkges.   1,68360
                  Candles .   .   .                  913 cwts.   37,150  884 cwta.  27,050
                  Coffee   ...                       250 p     15,980  693   „     27.660
                  C-ntvon (goods .                  15.463  „  46,46,900  12,516 pkges.  37,60300
                  Tnrea'd and twist                  140 pkges.   32,250  141  »»  26320
                  Dng/i and imeGidino#              3,053  „   91.280   2.493     1,34.520
                    o'mrg. and<ctftomng materials    230  „     4,270  634  #»     93»
                  -Fuel    ....                     46,636 cwts.   24,950  1,60,000 cwta.   84.000
                  -'Glass ranB {ftasiwurt .   .     2,138 pkges.   1,00,360  1,768 pkges.   67330
                  'GUi&.enlbdi&smt dldth „            3 cases  3,000    8 cases.   7300
                  fiditlaiac ...
                  GdlttfamaiS ...                ) I  4,056 lbs.  1*01,400  2,730 lbs.  68370
                  JftTsnc amf jndaB’ .   .          19,693 cwts.   L00.600  12,912 cwta.   65.600
                  fipurtware ami cutlery             299 pkges.  68.280   166 pkges.
                      sgnF Jnrm   __                                   343 cwta.   24.600
                  ft»K[p.   . "  .   .              3,274 cwts.   6,19.300  8,845   „  5^8,400
                  tor amE mnnirfhrturu* of          2,423 b’dlcs.  40,600  355 bales.   13.000
                  JLiqjucrss, wimst nuiE minis       788 pkges.   16,470  1,680 pkges.   28.700
                  BdnUr    ...                      26,716 cwts.   7,41,580  28,391   „  538370
                  Aldtdis, tmanrfhtdanug <rf ..     1,514 pkges.   49.000  829   *  23340
                  •an                               4,980 cwta.  34.000   3,976 cates.  30,680
                  •Porcdiam an£<OKraswsca .          824 pkges.   1.2&200  837 pkge*.   68.000
                  Provision! mnB'dllmsifti stores   3,425  .   70,550  8,028 „     87300
                  Silk, >manuf adlunx off             43  „    47,800   21  ••     29300
                  Spices   ...                      8,160 cwts.  1,31330  8,535 cwta.  1,83380
                  Stationery .   .                    76 pkges.   11310  158 pkges.   10380
                  6agar'loaf ...                    21,246 cwta.   3,39,940  34,705 cwts.   5,65,280
                  _* soft                           23,604  „  297370  67.078   „  6,86,270
                  Tea                               V35 „     2,48,450  1,122 „   1,34340
                  Timber and wood                              32380               44,640
                  Woollen, goods                     256’b’dles.  278,120  863 b’dles.  4,10,070
                  Oiher aftidles .                            341380              1.73,930
                                           Tot#L              83,85.480          80,61.600
                                       8pecie                 UO^OO               2,11.670
                                     GRAND TOTAL             87,15,680           82.71^50
   499   500   501   502   503   504   505   506   507   508   509