Page 512 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
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                                              TABLE No. 18.
                   Table tAotoing the Total Value of all Articlee Exported from, and Imported to, LingaA from and
                                             to Foreign Gounlriei.
                                                         Exports.          IHTOBTO.
                                                      1887.    1888.    1887.    1888.

                                                       ft       ft      ft        ft
                   Great Britian .   < •   •   •   •  79,000   46,000   25.000   19,600
                   Other European Countries ' •   •   •                 18.000
                   British India and Colonies   . . •   •  42,28,200  35,69,250  38,11,450  41,28,800
                   Bahrain and other Maritime States in the Gulf   22,00,970  23,52,150  27,14,000  26,10,900
                   Turkey            ••              6,72,400  4,25,650  6,74,650  3,46.550
                   Muscat and Dependencies           1,28,550  1,27,750  1,02,100  1,19,750
                   Zanzibar .    •   •                 3,400    2,000   15,600    3,200
                                        Total .     73,18,520  65,22,800  73,60,800  72,28,700

                                              TABLE No. 14.
                                Belurn of Shipping at the Port of ling ah in the Tear 1887.

                                                 Entered. .

                                                 Sailing.      Steam.         Total
                            Nationality.      No. of       . No. of       No. of
                                             Vessels.  Tons.  Vessels.  Tons.  Vessels.  Tons.

                   British •                    27   4,480     80  70,510   107  74,990
                   Persian •                   350   6,300   • ••           850   6,306
                   Turkish •                    75   6,750                   75   6,750
                   Muscat .                     100  2,000                  100   IflOQ
                   French .                                     1    782      1     782
                   Other .                      220  7,700          • ••    220   7,700
                                   Total        772  27,230    81  71,292   853  98,522
                   Total tor tee tear preceding .  915  51,910  78  62,799  993 114,709

                                                 Sahuo.         &TZAX.        Total
                            Nation axjyt.
                                              No. of        No. of         No. at
                                              Vcmla.  Tons.  Vooeh.        VtMtk
                    British •                    26   8,500    78  68,306    103  71,805
                    Persian .                   200   3,600          • ••    200   3,600
                    Turkish .                    70   6,300                   70   6,300
                    Muscat •                    110   2,200   • ••           110   2,200
                    French •                                    1     782      1    782
                    Other •                     200   .7,000  • ••           200   7,000
                                   Total        605  22,600    79   69,087   684  91,687
                    Total for the tear preceding .  916  51,910  78  ' 62,799  993  11V0®
   507   508   509   510   511   512   513   514   515   516   517