Page 555 - PERSIAN 2B 1883_1890_Neat
P. 555
13. No ono belonging to nny vessel b&a nny right whatac-eree lo buy, ncll or mortgage,
&c,, any proporty from or to nny Persian RubjooL
14. From tho vessels navigating tho Karun to Ahwnz, forgoing and returning, if a steam
vessel, a tonnago of one leran per ton, and, if a sailing vessel, ten sbabis, as toll and right of
way will be levied. Unladen vessels shall pay half tolls; sailing vessels belonging to Persian
subjects under 30 tons will bo exempted from these dues.
15. Porters for the porterage from tho landing-places to t&r vessels, and from tho vessels
to tho loading-places, shall bo provided by the Persian Goveracmat, who will keep a register of
them and supply them with a badge.
16. When a Persian subject who, with the permission of the Persian Government, has
entered the service of the vessels renders himself liable to the law, his trial and punishment
shall be conducted by the Persian representative without any interference.
17. With reference to tho flags of the vessels, they will be regulated by the general mari
time laws on the subject.
18. Employes of the vessels are prohibited from lenditg Persians generally any sums of
money in excess of two tomans, trading being excepted.
19. No friendly Government has any right whatsoever to interfere with the depth, course
or bed of the river.
20. Tho number, names and employment of persocr irho, with the permission of the
Government, are employed on tho vessels of friendly Governments shall be entered in' the
Government books, and should have a Persian passport; otherwise^ they are not allowed to
take service.
21. As this permission to the mercantile marines of friendly Governments to navigate
the Karun is solely for the purpose of facilitating and stiiT?davJng trade and nothing else,
this will by no means be allowed to be made a pretext for ptfkaul discussions of any sort.
£2. The regulations obtaining regarding wrecks on maxes generally shall govern such
C2S23, and the salvage shall be paid to the natives of the rhsra.
2b. Dangerous goods, such as arms, &c., shall not be rrhl by the employes of vessels to
Persian subjects, nomads or tribes ; if sold, they will be c?dnsf and their value returned.
24. Should any one vessel of a friendly power vidaie these regulations, if a steamer,
600 tomans, and if a sailing vessel, 300 tomans flue will be inflicted, and the vessel shall be
prohibited from the navigation for two years.
Addendum.—In case of "disputes tho Persian text to fce gone by.
Table showing forte and prevailing directions of'mivdst (Ciuf recorded rainfall at Bus Aire for ike
■yean Q8$&S&.
i ; ShrjizvFXM&x <nr each dibecttioh.
E X "5 ! 8
Mohth. a«r *5 .§ * *i 1% Brin.
;!* •§I a 3
8 ®
If if n -r -a
s* \s a £ £ a a* w a r5-
«- cM
In. Cents.
April -1888 . 180*1 28 10 icm 14 12 8 0 42
May n 208-4 5 { 55 17 a 5 8 * 0 0
Jane »> Instru 1 85 4 4 1 4 1 0 0
out of
July a 182-6 2 44 80 16 a 3 2 0 O
August 181- 7 54 22 9 5 a a 0 0
September „ . 162-2 8 49 17 IS a a 10 0 0
October 182- 9 2 36 13 19 a a a
a 18 0 0
D 2